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Steve Morgan Foundation Donates £ 50m to Race to Treat Type 1 Diabetes

Steve Morgan Foundation Donates £ 50m to Race to Treat Type 1 Diabetes


A national charity has donated £ 50m to two major diabetes organizations to transform the lives of people with type 1 diabetes.

The Steve Morgan Foundation (SMF) has made significant donations to the British Diabetes Foundation and JDR FUK to find a cure for type 1 diabetes. Donations are the largest single gift in the UK’s history for diabetes research.

Over the next five years, we will fund the SMF Type 1 Diabetes Grand Challenge. This challenge will facilitate collaboration among world-leading researchers, scientific organizations and diabetes charities, drive innovation and accelerate breakthroughs in research around the world.

This unprecedented investment brings together two of the UK’s leading diabetes charities in an unprecedented way to join forces to drive type 1 diabetes research and the path to new and therapeutic therapies. Open.

The SMF Type 1 Diabetes Grand Challenge focuses on three major research areas.

  • Treatment to prevent the immune system from destroying insulin-producing beta cells: To completely prevent new cases of type 1 diabetes and protect already diagnosed beta cells, the immune system is the root cause of the condition. Attack the attack.
  • Treatment to replace or rescue insulin-producing beta cells: Replace insulin-producing beta cells destroyed by the immune system to restore pancreatic function.
  • New insulins, such as insulin that responds to changes in blood glucose: These insulins are extremely psychological in that they eliminate dangerous highs and lows in blood glucose, reduce the risk of catastrophic complications, and manage type 1 diabetes. Remove the burden.

With these three areas in mind, the scientific community is urged to develop ambitious, innovative and collaborative research proposals, with initial funding beginning in 2022.

Foundation founders Steve and Sally Morgan are driven by a personal connection to their medical condition. Their son Hugo was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of seven. Through this pioneering partnership with the British Diabetes Foundation and JDR FUK, they have created a phased shift in type 1 diabetes research with up to 400,000 people in the UK, their families and caregivers, and those with a condition. A world where you live or take care of someone.

Steve and Sally Morgan said: “We are very proud to announce this groundbreaking partnership with Diabetes UK and JDRF UK. The expertise of two major diabetes charitable organizations in the UK and the commonality of improving the lives of people with type 1 diabetes. With the ambition of, the SMF Type 1 Diabetes Grand Challenge is a new and ultimately cure.

“From our own experience, we know the impact of type 1 diabetes on family life. That’s what we have every day. But research has changed that and people with type 1 diabetes and their families. Can be able to live without this relentless lifelong condition. “

They added: “This groundbreaking partnership encourages and motivates other funders to participate in the common ambitions of the SMF Type 1 Diabetes Grand Challenge, for a better future for people with type 1 diabetes and their families. The road will be opened. “

Chris Askew OBE, Chief Executive Officer of the British Diabetes Foundation, said: This unparalleled investment will forever change the direction of type 1 diabetes research, revitalize the diabetes research community and accelerate us towards life-changing therapies for millions of people in the UK and around the world. Let me.

“We are very grateful that Steve and Sally Morgan have invested £ 50m to help transform the lives of people with type 1 diabetes. This is a call to the scientific community. We look forward to working with JDRF UK to unite the best people in type 1 diabetes research and drive new breakthroughs. “

He added: “Insulin has been the only cure for this condition for the past 100 years, but this crucial moment of type 1 diabetes marks the dawn of a new century of discovery. Type 1 diabetes is relentless, but I So is our investment. This investment drives us into a world where type 1 diabetes is ultimately forgiven and diabetes is harmless. “

Karen Addington, Chief Executive Officer of JDRFUK, said: In this golden age of type 1 diabetes research, advances in immunotherapy and stem cell research have provided us with access to functional therapies.

“JDRF was founded on the value and practice of intra-UK and international collaboration. In collaboration with the Steve Morgan Foundation and Diabetes UK, we will lead the UK and leverage JDRF’s excellent research network to further drive research. I will do it. “

She goes on to say: “I’m always thinking of Leonard Thompson, a seriously ill 11-year-old boy who saved his life 100 years ago. The discovery of the Nobel Prize-winning insulin is one of the greatest achievements of the 20th century. “Together, through the SMF Type 1 Diabetes Grand Challenge, our motivation and expertise in treating type 1 diabetes is comparable to the ambitions of scientists a century ago.”

Jane Faircrow’s daughter, Libby, was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in 2019 at the age of three. Jane said: “As a family, we have had occasional struggles since Libby’s diagnosis. And since Libby is only five, it is our responsibility as her parents to keep her healthy. The relentlessness of type 1 diabetes, and The impact it has on the family can never be underestimated.

“This huge investment from the Steve Morgan Foundation is incredible news for us as a family. In the future, we’ll have no problems with type 1 diabetes and a day without regular blood sugar checks. I hope it will be a life of Libby that I can spend. “

“Thanks to everyone who has made this happen, and to all the researchers who work hard to treat Libby and everyone with diabetes,” she added.

Rt. Book. JDRFUK Ambassador Theresa May MP said: “Today’s announcement of a £ 50m research partnership to accelerate the treatment and better treatment of type 1 diabetes is historic.

“The partnership between JDRF, Steve Morgan Foundation, and Diabetes UK will incorporate the UK’s position as a global leader in Type 1 medical and international research excellence. The SMF Type 1 Diabetes Grand Challenge. We look forward to seeing you drive a new era of breakthroughs in type 1 diabetes research. “




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