Monkeypox found in 16 countries
- The CDC has issued a “Level 2” Travel Health Notice pointing out that cases of monkeypox have been reported in Europe, North America and Australia.
- The CDC advises travelers to wash their hands frequently with soap and water, or use hand sanitizers to keep their hands away from their faces.
- The CDC issued a notice of monkeypox, but officials said the risk to the general public was “low.”
The Disease Control Center And prevention caveat Travelers to “practice enhanced precautions” Monkeypox spreads..
Monkeypox, a disease caused by infection with monkeypox virus, which is a viral disease of the same family as smallpox, has been confirmed in 16 countries around the world, including the United States.
Issued CDC “Level 2” Travel Health Notice On Friday, the website stated that cases were reported in Europe, North America and Australia.
“Several cases have been reported among men who have sex with men,” the CDC said. “In some cases, even people living in the same household as the infected person have been reported.”
by World Health Organization“Monkeypox virus can be transmitted from one person to another through close contact with contaminants such as lesions, body fluids, flügge droplets, and bedding.”
For decades, monkeypox has been found in parts of Central and West Africa and is thought to occasionally jump from animals, perhaps rodents, to humans. The virus-infected United States and Europe typically receive several travelers a year, but no such large-scale human-to-human transmission has ever been seen.
“None of these people reported recent visits to countries in Central or West Africa where monkeypox usually occurs, especially including the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Nigeria,” the CDC said in its travel health notice.
The CDC issued a notice of monkeypox, but officials said the risk to the general public was “low.”
This is what we know:WHO convenes a meeting to strengthen its response to the “atypical” surge in monkeypox cases
President Joe Biden:There are enough vaccines in the United States to combat the outbreak of monkeypox
Precautions while traveling
The CDC advised travelers to avoid:
- Close contact with sick people, including those with skin or genital lesions. Also, contact with materials used by sick people and animals, such as clothing, bedding and health care materials.
- Contact with dead or living animals, including small mammals including rodents such as rats and squirrels, and non-human primates such as monkeys and apes.
- Eat and prepare wild hunting meat and use products from African wildlife such as creams, powders and lotions.
The CDC also advises Travelers frequently wash their hands with soap and water, use hand sanitizers, and keep their hands away from their faces.
Also, if a traveler develops a new unexplained rash (whether chills or fever), avoid contact with others. The CDC is also advised to call in advance before seeing a doctor and, if not, inform staff on arrival that they are concerned about monkeypox.
Whether the CDC had come into contact with a person who may have had monkeypox when visiting a medical facility for treatment, and / or was in the area where monkeypox was reported, or the previous month. I told my doctor if it was commonly seen in. Symptoms appeared.
Monkeypox Biden:“Everyone” has to worry, the spread will be “resulting”
Where is monkeypox confirmed?
As part of the health notice, the CDC has listed countries where cases of monkeypox have recently been identified.
- America
- Canada
- Australia
- Belgium
- Austria
- England
- France
- Germany
- Italy
- Netherlands
- Portugal
- Sweden
- Spain
- Switzerland
- Scotland
- Israel
Health agencies have also listed some countries where monkeypox is common.
- Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Republic of the Congo
- Central African Republic
- Nigeria
- Cameroon
- Cote d’Ivoire
- Sierra Leone
- Sudan
- Gabon
opinion:Monkeypox is here and is widespread.But the United States is ready to deal with the threat
As of Monday, there was one confirmed case of monkeypox in Massachusetts in the United States, CDC spokesperson Dave Dagle told USA on Tuesday. There are four additional cases of Orthopox that the CDC is doing a “confirmation test”.
According to Dagle, when it comes to testing for the orthopoxvirus, the genus to which monkeypox belongs, CDC..
How does monkeypox appear and spread?
in the meantime Monkeypox Being in the same family as smallpox, the risk is much lower. Veterinarian and Deputy Director of the CDC’s High-Results Pathogens Division, Lieutenant Jennifer McKiston, initially manifests as a flu-like illness with fever, myalgia, and malaise, followed by skin lesions, but rashes may appear first. He said he had sex. Pathology.
According to WHO, the incubation period for monkeypox is usually 6 to 13 days, but can extend anywhere between 5 and 21 days.
CDC officials said in a press conference with the media that, unlike the most well-known cases of monkeypox, a clear rash usually appears first in the hand, but in current cases, many rashes occur. Said to first appear around the genitals or anus.
Monkeypox is not as easily transmitted as the virus such as SARS-CoV-2, which is responsible for the current COVID-19 pandemic. However, mouth lesions, which are not usually considered respiratory viruses, can cause someone to spit out virus particles when talking or coughing.
Of the nine known cases of infection with the virus transmitted from Nigeria prior to the current outbreak, none had transmitted the virus to others on an airplane or through accidental contact, McKistton said.
“This is not an easily transmitted virus,” she said. “This is not a COVID.”
Contributed by: Karen Weintraub, USA TODAY
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