Symptoms of Broken Heart Syndrome When Studies Find a Link Between Brain and Emotion
A new study found emotion-related brain changes in people with “broken heart syndrome.”
Scientists at the University of Aberdeen shed light on how the brain and heart relate to each other in this rare condition.
Medically known as Takotsubo Syndrome, this syndrome is usually caused by physical or emotional stress, such as the loss of a loved one. That’s why it has this name.
It is a sudden acute heart failure, estimated to affect as many as 5,000 people each year in the UK, and is predominantly found in postmenopausal women.
It can cause the same symptoms as a heart attack and does not block the arteries leading to the heart, but the risk of complications is similar.
It is not yet fully understood what is causing it, but it is usually caused by emotional or physical stress, such as the loss of a loved one. Therefore, it is called broken heart syndrome.
Researchers have discovered changes in the level of brain activity in areas known to control the heartbeat.
In the most detailed study of this kind, they examined the brains of 25 patients who had suffered from Takotsubo episodes in the last five days.
They used MRI scans of the brain to measure brain volume, surface area, and communication signals between different areas of the brain.
These results were then compared to control patients with matching age, gender, and other medical conditions.
Researchers have found that thalamus, amygdala, islands, and basal ganglia connections are reduced in Takotsubo patients compared to healthy people.
These are areas of the brain that are involved in the regulation of high-level functions such as emotions, thoughts, language, stress responses, and heart control.
The study also found that while the thalamus and island areas of the brain were expanding, the total brain volume, including the amygdala and brainstem, was smaller than in healthy people.
Scientists are now planning to perform a follow-up brain MRI scan on the same patient to follow the natural course of the octopus trap in the brain.
They are also in the process of scanning the brain of a patient with a heart attack to determine if the condition causes a change in the brain, or if the change causes Takotsubo Syndrome.
Dr. Hilal Khan, a clinical researcher at the university, said:
“For the first time, we have revealed changes in brain regions involved in the control of the heart and emotions.
“More work is needed to determine if these changes cause Takotsubo Syndrome.”
Dr. Khan said more research is expected to find more effective ways to treat the syndrome.
The university study was presented at the 100th Anniversary Conference of the British Cardiovascular Society in Manchester.
Professor James Liper, Associate Medical Director of The Hart Foundation, said: Failure. “
Carol Duncan, 73, from Aberdeen, is part of her study because she suffered from an episode of an octopus trap after her brother became ill and was hospitalized in the ICU.
She said there is a misconception that the octopus trap is in your head because it can be caused by emotional events.
“Knowing that researchers have seen measurable changes in my scans, we feel like we’re getting closer to the octopus trap, which is considered physical condition,” she said.
“I am very happy to be able to participate in this research.
“I really hope that scientists have a complete understanding of this misunderstanding and are heading towards better treatment.”
Symptoms of broken heart syndrome
according to Johns Hopkins MedicineThe symptoms of broken heart syndrome can mimic the symptoms of a heart attack, including:
- Chest pain
- Dyspnea
- Sweat (sweat)
- dizzy
These symptoms can begin minutes or hours after an emotionally or physically stressful event.
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