Allegheny College, ESU TickLab Partner for Palliative Research

Pennsylvania leads the country in the number of cases of Lyme disease, and there is evidence that its incidence is rising.
To minimize Lyme disease and other diseases spread by ticks, the Pennsylvania Tick Institute at East Stroudsburg University is partnering with Allegheny University for groundbreaking tick mitigation research.
Research is expected to reveal ways to reduce tick populations and thereby reduce the transmission of tick-related diseases, Michele Brooks, a member of Western Pennsylvania who published a study with university research authorities. Senator explained.
State-funded multi-year studies will be conducted in the Monroe, Lehi, Pike, Bucks, Crawford, and Mercer counties. As director of the Pennsylvania Tick Institute, Nicolechinich knows that ticks and tick-borne diseases have affected Pennsylvania’s population for decades.
The latest data collected by the Institute in 2021 show how the number of cases of Lyme disease is increasing. Diseases spread by bites of infected black-footed mites were found in 39.7% of the 7,874 adult women tested. And 24.3% of the 5,847 nymphs tested were pointed out by Chinnici. Black-footed mites are often referred to as deer ticks.
Throughout the region, between July 1, 2021 and March 25, this year, 49% of black-footed mites in Schuylkill county were positive for the pathogen, 30% in Carbon county, and in Monroe county. It was 38%.
According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, untreated Lyme disease can cause a variety of symptoms depending on the stage of infection. Symptoms include fever, rash, facial paralysis, and arthritis.
This is the time when mites are most likely to be on the market.
“When temperatures exceed freezing, adult black-footed mites become more active. (That is) in Pennsylvania, which is usually the March time frame, but can occur in February, depending on the weather. 5 The month and June are the most common months of tick bites from all kinds of ticks, “Chinnici said. Other Pennsylvania mites include the American dog tick and tick.
And because of the activity, the lab has seen an increase in tick bite reports, Chinnici pointed out. Still, she said, there is no way to determine if the tick population is increasing. Many factors are involved in the survival of mites, including access to wildlife hosts such as rodents and weather.
“This funding (for research) is a tick mitigation strategy to mitigate ticks and tick-borne diseases in three regions, including northwestern Pennsylvania, where there is a high gradient of tick-borne pathogens. You can evaluate the use of, “says Chinnici. .. “We are excited to be at the forefront of new research with the goal of finding the most effective strategies for reducing tick populations.”
For research, research engineers drag the area of the tree line with a corduroy cloth to collect mites. Then they set up a live mousetrap in the area of the tree line. Blood samples are taken from intact mice and mites to monitor infection. According to researchers, technicians will have equipment for vaccination of mice against mites, which also kills mites. The lab will continue to offer free tick tests. Starting in April 2019, we will check the creatures for most types of tick-borne diseases.
If you have removed the ticks from yourself, we recommend that you put them in a plastic bag and mail them to the laboratory.Instructions can be found at The sender will receive the results within a few days. Since the lab began offering the service, Chinnici said he has tested 35,421 ticks, including 28,360 black-footed ticks, 5,790 American dog ticks, and 943 ticks.
In the latest data for 2019, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that Pennsylvania has more cases of Lyme disease than the rest of the country. Of these, 6,673 were recorded, almost three times as high as New York, which ranked second with 2,847. The CDC estimates that 500,000 people will get the disease this year. Currently, more than 2 million people suffer from chronic diseases associated with Lyme disease.
What you need to know
Dr. Jeffrey A. Jarre, Senior Vice President of Medicine and Academics at the St. Luke’s University Health Network, states that it is the time when people spend more time outdoors and the time when ticks are most active.
“Tickes appear to be most prominent from May to October, and these are the most common times of transmission of the disease,” said infectious disease expert Jahre. “We are in that season.”
Unfortunately, Pennsylvania has the highest number of cases of Lyme disease, which is transmitted by the bite of an infected black-footed tick. Studies show that about 30% of mites carry the disease. “Generally, Lehi Valley and Poconos are considered high-risk areas,” said Jahre. “We have already seen cases of Lyme disease.”
And as a naturalist in Burnsville’s Lake Locust and Tascalora State Park, Robin Tracy knows that ticks are always active. “I already had ticks on some people,” said Tracy, who leads walks and other outdoor activities in the park.
Jahre explained that the spread of Lyme disease usually requires the ticks to adhere to the host for at least 24 hours.
In the meantime, it eats blood, which causes its body to expand from poppy seed size to a more spherical shape. “If it’s not engorged, you probably don’t have to worry about getting Lyme disease,” he said. Anyone who spends time outside should be vigilant.
When entering, they should thoroughly inspect their bodies for mites. According to Jarre, creatures tend to prefer spots under the arms, between the legs, behind the knees, around the hairline, and near the hips. It is also hidden inside the buttons on the ears and belly.
“Of course, you can put it anywhere,” he said.
If found, people should not burn or squeeze them. You should gently pull the ticks from the skin using a tick removal tool or tweezers.
“If it’s congested, or if you think it’s in you for more than 24 hours, then everything isn’t lost. Prophylactic antibiotics that can be prescribed as a single dose that significantly reduce the risk There is, “says Jahre.
He stated that the incubation period for Lyme disease is between 2 and 30 days. People often develop a rash that resembles a bull’s eye target. You may develop fever, headache, malaise, pain in muscles and joints, and swollen lymph nodes. Subsequent symptoms may include facial nerve paralysis, painful arthritis, palpitations, and numbness and inflammation of the brain and spinal cord.
Jahre and Tracey said prevention is key. “They recommend wearing long sleeves and long trousers,” Tracey said. “Put your pants in your socks.”
You should also take off your clothes and wash with hot water when you get home.
Those who spend time outdoors should treat their clothing with products that contain 0.5% permethrin. It remains on the item through at least half a dozen washes. He also recommended insect repellents containing picaridin, IR3535, lemon eucalyptus oil or DEET.
“It helps a lot to prevent tick bites,” Jahre said.
Reduce ticks on your property
Mites live outdoors in wooded grasslands and may therefore live in the backyard. Mites may not want it because it can spread Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and many other illnesses. ..
Dr. Erica McKinger, a veterinary entomologist at Pennsylvania State University, provided tips on how to make your backyard unattractive to ticks.
Habitat management is important, she said. Mites tend to prefer tall grass and vegetation, leaf debris, areas adjacent to overgrown areas and shrublands. “Cut the lawn short and cut the branches of the trees hanging in the garden adjacent to the overgrown habitat. The mites dry very quickly, which helps keep the grass dry. Removing the shaded areas, Matinger explained.
Peripheral sprays labeled with ticks are very effective and require only two sprays a year, she said. A popular product is bifenthrin.
However, McKinger warned that so-called “natural products” require more uses, are toxic to many pollen maters, and may be ineffective. \ \
The tick control tube and feeding box can be filled with the treated cotton that mice use for their nest material. Cotton does not harm mice, but it kills mites attached to them.
People may also want to eliminate places where rodents can live, such as stones and piles of logs.
Machtinger also suggested moving swings, playsets, and lawn furniture to at least 9 feet away from wooded and chunky habitats.
“The best control is to use as many of these options as possible, called’integrated pest management’, such as habitat management, border sprays, and host control,” she said.
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