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A new vaccine that eliminates aged immune cells reduces metabolic disorders in obese mice


Aging is a multifaceted process that affects our body in many ways. In a new study, researchers at Osaka University have developed a new vaccine that eliminates aged immune cells and vaccinated obese mice to demonstrate improvement in diabetes-related metabolic disorders.

Aged or aged cells are known to harm surrounding young cells by creating an inflammatory environment. Certain types of immune cells, called T cells, accumulate in the adipose tissue of aged, obese individuals, causing chronic inflammation, metabolic disorders, and heart disease. To reduce the adverse effects of aging cells on the body, treatments have been developed to target and eliminate these rogue cells. However, this approach does not distinguish between senescent cell types, so it remains unclear whether specific depletion of senescent T cells can ameliorate the adverse effects on organ physiology.

The idea that eliminating senescent cells improves the organ dysfunction we experience during aging is quite new. Since senescent T cells can promote metabolic disorders similar to diabetes, we devised a new approach to reduce the number of senescent T cells and then reverse their negative effects on glucose metabolism. “

Hironori Nakagami, the author of the survey

To achieve their goals, researchers have developed a new vaccine that targets the surface protein CD153, which is present on senescent T cells that live in adipose tissue, so that normal T cells are not affected. did. To test the efficacy of their vaccine, researchers fed mice a high-fat diet to make them obese and ultimately mimic the metabolic changes seen in diabetes. These include insulin resistance and poorly functioning glucose metabolism, both of which can promote eye, kidney, nerve, and heart deterioration. When they vaccinated these mice against CD153, the researchers observed a sharp decrease in senescent T cells in the adipose tissue of the mice, demonstrating the success of their approach.

But did it improve glucose metabolism in obese mice? To investigate this, the researchers turned to tests that are widely used in the clinical diagnosis of diabetic patients and conducted an oral glucose tolerance test in mice. Glucose to drink. Vaccination against CD153 was able to restore glucose tolerance in obese mice. However, unvaccinated obese mice continued to have difficulty in glucose metabolism after ingestion and took much longer to reach blood levels similar to vaccinated animals. The researchers also measured the degree of insulin resistance that underlies the metabolic changes seen in obesity and diabetes. Vaccinated mice show a significant improvement in insulin resistance compared to unvaccinated animals, indicating that the hormones the body produces to lower blood glucose levels are functioning properly ..

“These are surprising results that show how reducing senescent T cells in adipose tissue improves glucose metabolism in obese mice,” Nakagami says. “Our findings provide new insights for eliminating specific senescent cells using specific vaccines and could be used as new therapeutic tools to control glucose metabolism in obese individuals. There is.”


See journal:

Shinichiro Yoshida other (2020) CD153 vaccine is an aging treatment option to prevent the accumulation of aging T cells in mice. Natural communication.


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