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Clean margins of cancer surgery enabled by glowing dyes: a study


When removing a cancerous tumor, it is important to make sure that no small remnants of the malignant mass remain. Surgeons always aim for a “clean margin” when operating on cancer patients.

Remaining cancerous tissue in the body increases the likelihood of disease spread and local recurrence. Outbreaks can lead to shorter survival times.

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania have devised a method to help surgeons clearly identify and help ensure that no diseased tissue is left behind to ensure the accuracy of the surgery.

The team found that an injectable dye that glows under near infrared light can illuminate the primary tumor and the cancerous tissue of the affected lymph nodes.

As part of the study, researchers performed a dog surgery at the Veterinary University Ryan Hospital to remove the breast tumor. Breast cancer in dogs is similar to breast cancer in women.

In addition, the research team envisions that using different dyes that are more specific to the targeted cancer cells can improve outcomes for patients considering treating the disease with breast-conserving surgery.

The survey results were published in the journal PLOS ONE June 17, 2020.

Also read: Laser can detect cancer cells and kill them

What is Indocyanine Green used for?

In the medical field, Indocyanine green injection A medical dye used in tests to measure liver function, cardiac output, and hepatic blood flow. The dye is given intravenously.

It is also used to make certain parts of the eye more visible during medical procedures such as: Angiography..

In a recent study, researchers at the Perelman School of Medicine worked with veterinary surgeon David Holt and other researchers at the University of Pennsylvania to use Indocyanine Green (ICG), the same FDA-approved contrast agent. doing.

Dyes that glow under near-infrared light have been used in many types of cancer to distinguish between cancerous and normal tissues for several years. Scientists believe that ICG accumulates in cancer because it leaks from the rapidly growing blood vessels in tumors.

The purpose of the current study was to test the approach in pet dogs with breast tumors as a model for female breast-conserving surgery. All pet owners provided consent to be part of the study. The day before the surgery, the dog received an injection of ICG.

Canine surgery was either mastectomy or mastectomy. The procedure continued as normal, following standard care protocols and procedures. After this, the surgeon observed the resected tumor under near infrared light. We also examined the surgical site to look for glowing signs of ICG.

Tumor glow: prognosis of problematic lymph nodes

The authors of this study found that the larger the tumor, the more pigment accumulated. In addition, they were also interested in the analysis of dog lymph nodes. Holt said they were able to identify both draining and metastatic lymph nodes.

In the current practice of breast cancer patients, Radioisotope Is given to the breast to confirm excretion Sentinel lymph node.. By using an intravenously administered near-infrared contrast agent, radioactive material and protective shields are no longer needed.

Holt added that pre-operative injection of ICG could avoid the risk of removing too many lymph nodes or leaving fragments. In addition, in their follow-up work, the team aims to continue to investigate the efficiency of their dyes in human cancer patients.

Also read: New evidence for why good margins for breast cancer surgery are good news

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