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Cinco de Mayo events honoring Mexican and Hispanic heritage planned around Charlottesville

Cinco de Mayo events honoring Mexican and Hispanic heritage planned around Charlottesville


Cinco de Mayo fans who want to celebrate Mexican and Mexican American culture can head to Piedmont Virginia Community College on Sunday to enjoy handmade treats and treasures.

Sin Barreras, a local organization that empowers and educates Hispanic and immigrant families in Central Virginia, will present its Cinco de Mayo celebration from 4-7 p.m. Sunday in the parking lot of PVCC's V. Earl Dickinson Building.

In addition to enjoying food truck fare, piatas, a cake walk and music from guitarist Estela Knott of Lua Project, visitors can experience handmade pottery bowls made by local artisans , high school students and PVCC students.

Cinco de Mayo Pottery Bowls

Pottery bowls handcrafted by local artisans and students will be sold Sunday during the Cinco de Mayo celebration at Piedmont Virginia Community College in Charlottesville.


Ellie Ransom, who handles fundraising and media for Sin Barreras, told the Daily Progress that members of the creative community contributed more than 200 bowls to the event.

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“We want to celebrate Mexican and Hispanic heritage,” Ransom said. “Pottery is an integral part of Mexican culture.”

Celebrations in previous years have sold bowls filled with culinary reminders of Hispanic culture, including soup one year and bunuelos another time. This time, visitors have the option to keep their newly purchased bowls clean and fresh to display at home or use them for the food truck's servings of tacos and desserts.

Admission is free, but donations are accepted to help Sin Barreras offer its educational programs, which include adult education classes, English classes, GED preparation, and studies to prepare immigrants for the tests of citizenship.

Cinco de Mayo Bowl Sales

Visitors have the choice of taking home their newly purchased bowls as is or filling them with food from Cinco de Mayo food vendors.


Educational programs can help people learn the computer and email skills they'll need to apply for jobs and enroll in college classes, Ransom said. “We ask the community, ‘What do you need?’” to be successful, Ransom said.

The Cinco de Mayo event is a fun way to learn about Mexican and Hispanic culture, and a history lesson is a convenient way to start. The celebration honors a Mexican victory over the French and not the Spanish.

Contrary to popular opinion, Cinco de Mayo does not recognize Mexican Independence Day, which does not occur until September 16.

Cinco de Mayo recognizes Mexico's victory at the First Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862, defeating troops of the Second French Empire. “The underdog from Mexico managed to get the victory,” Ransom said.

Mexican Independence Day honors the start of the Mexican War of Independence against Spain in 1810.

If the rain forecast for Sunday at press time arrives, the celebrations will not be able to take place indoors. The rain date will be June 9.

The Kimpton Forum Hotel, located on the North Fields of the University of Virginia, also invites partygoers to come celebrate. Good Sport, the hotel's cocktail and craft beer bar, will be the starting point for Cinco de Mayo festivities from 11:00 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. on Sunday.

Drink specials will include $5 handmade margaritas and $9 street taco trios.

Admission is free and no reservations are required.




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