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Coronaviruses can leave devastating effects on our mental health


Has already been written about how many Coronavirus Pandemic Exacerbated the global mental health crisis.. It’s hardly a surprise-many of us have been back and forth from the gardenless homes to the local Tesco Metro for the past three months. Some will be unemployed. Others would have lost friends and family. Life has taken on uncertainty, our routine has been eradicated, Relationship changed.. There was Some silver liningA pandemic is not generally known mental health advantage.

This is not just an example. Mindstats released today Report that mental health problems worsened during a pandemic, with 65% of adults over the age of 25 and 75% of adolescents 13 to 24 already having mental health problems. I have found More than one in five adults who have not previously had a mental health report now say that their mental health is poor or very poor. People in social housing seem to have been particularly hard hit, with more than half saying their mental health is now bad or very poor, and 67% say their mental health has recently deteriorated.

However, the virus can eventually be transmitted by a vaccine, but the results of mental health are less clear. When the lockdown ends, whatever it is, not everyone’s emotional well-being returns to a “neutral” level. As GP and mental health expert Dominic Thompson point out, the effects of a pandemic on mental health can last much longer than the virus itself. “The problem is probably never Just like before,” she says. “Especially in the UK, it means that people of all ages die early at different ages.”

“Then you influence the essential workers,” she continues. “Some of them would potentially have experienced some traumatic roles. Others have separated – caregivers moved to Nursing home, Doctors and nurses who lived in the parking lot. These are unusual things humans do to help other humans. But they do. I’m still not sure how that would be done. Yes, there is the potential for long-term trauma, delayed grief reaction, and delayed fatigue. In other words, the reasons for worsening mental health during a pandemic are multifaceted and widespread, but unlikely to disappear overnight.

For those seeking help, existing UK mental health services are often not robust enough to respond and can have disastrous consequences. “One in four we talked to investigate said they had no access to mental health services during the pandemic,” explained Megan Pennell, Mind’s Parliamentary and Campaign Manager. I will. “Due to the crisis, many rural services were forced to close or reduce their capacities or change the way they operate. They were unable to meet in person, which was the only way to meet others. It may be a contact point, and we see that many organizations are facing financial problems, including the cancellation of marathons and the closure of charity shops.”

Writing everything down like this can make everything look hopeless. Mental health services Lack of funds and burden In the beginning (“We were starting from a defeated position,” says Thompson) and that was before the pandemic. But the situation is not hopeless, it is just urgent. Following the release of mental health statistics, the mind is now calling on the British government to work on a post-coronavirus recovery roadmap. “We and our volunteer colleagues are working with colleagues across Westminster to achieve this,” said Mind CEO Paul Farmer in a press release.

Ultimately, as before the pandemic, mental health services require the right funding and realistic and tangible reforms. The mind outlined five areas in which the UK Government should focus its attention and invest money: investing in community services, protecting and addressing the most at risk. Inequalities faced by people We reformed mental health law from blacks, Asians and other ethnic minority communities (“What we saw during the crisis was that many of the detainees needed to cheer them up. It was in a situation that shouldn’t have been useful.” Pennell explains), providing a more appropriate and flexible financial safety net to those who cannot work for mental health, and children and adolescents. Better support.

“Much of this isn’t new,” Pennell says. “It was what we knew what was going on anyway and we asked the government to do that [something about it] a long time. The crisis has just made it even more urgent and highlighted those gaps that are there and are the basis for helping people stay well. The second wave may come someday, so we need to learn lessons right now to make sure we are ready to protect the mental health of people in the long run. “


This article was originally published in VICE UK.


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