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Highly active cells associated with growth and recurrence of cerebral glioma

Highly active cells associated with growth and recurrence of cerebral glioma


Tumors are composed of many types of cells, both cancerous and benign. The specific complexity of cells in brain tumors is a trademark of this disease and makes it very difficult to treat. Scientists have long known about the diversity of cells in brain tumors, but the way these tumors grow has relied on the understanding that cells are stationary, immobile, and relatively fixed. ..

However, researchers at the University of Michigan Neurosurgery and Rogel Cancer Center have found that these invasive tumors contain highly active cells that migrate throughout the tissue in a complex pattern. In addition, the accumulation of these elongated spindle-like cells found throughout the tumor, called “oncostream,” is the behavior of the cancer cells that determine how the tumor grows and invades normal tissue. Serves as a basis.

Pedro Lowenstein, MD, Ph.D., Professor of Neurosurgery, Richard C. Schneider University, Lead Author of this Study Nature Communications, Says that this organized growth is what makes brain tumors very relentless. “Brain tumors are extremely deadly, with less than 5% of patients surviving more than 5 years,” he said. “Unfortunately, recurrence ultimately kills the patient. They have surgery for the first tumor, but the tumor always recurs within 12-18 months,” he said.

His team, including Lowenstein and Maria Castro, Ph.D., also found that overexpression of collagen 1, a protein produced by tumor cells, is essential for the growth and function of these structures.

Eliminating the production of collagen 1 from tumor cells, animal models with brain tumors lived much longer. This step reduces the aggressive behavior of the tumor by removing the oncostream from the tumor and requiring collagen 1 for the tumor to migrate in a particular way... “

Pedro Lowenstein, MD, PhD, Study Lead Author and Richard C. Schneider Collegiate Professor of Neurosurgery, Michigan Medicine-University of Michigan

Lowenstein states that this structure is likely to be present in other types of cancer. “When people recognize that there are dynamic areas of tumors that are associated with tumor growth, ultimate infiltration and death, people are more likely to find tumor flow in other tumor models.” He said.

To detect the presence of previously unknown oncostreams, the team teamed up with Todd Hollon, MD, an assistant professor of Michigan Medical and Neurosurgery, and Sebastien Motsch, Ph.D., an associate professor of mathematics at Arizona State University. Cooperated with., Implement artificial intelligence techniques to identify structures within your organization.

“Basically, we show the image to the computer and the computer eventually learns to recognize the oncostream,” Lowenstein explained.

Dismantling the tumor stream by removing collagen 1 may be a new therapeutic target for the treatment of deadly brain tumors. “This study demonstrates the crucial importance of continuing to explore complex extracellular matrix,” said Dr. Andrea Comba, research researcher and lead author of the study.

“Based on this finding, we propose a new treatment for the treatment of cerebral glioma by targeting tumor collagen and destroying the tumor stream,” she said.


Journal reference:

Comba, A. et al.. (2022) Spatio-temporal analysis of glioma heterogeneity reveals that COL1A1 is a viable target for impeding tumor progression. Nature Communications..




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