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Time to see the Lyrid meteor shower in the UK tonight

Time to see the Lyrid meteor shower in the UK tonight


One of the brightest and best meteor showers of the year will rain down over British skies in the next few days.

That is if the full moon doesn't disturb you too much.

The annual Lyra meteor shower is already active, but will rise toward its peak before it ceases activity on April 30th.

When is the Lyrid meteor shower?

The Lyra meteor shower is active between April 14 and 30, but peaks between April 22 and 23.

At the peak of the shower, up to 18 bright, fast meteors per hour are expected.

When is the best night to see it?

The best time to see Lyrid is early in the morning during peak season on April 22nd and 23rd.

Royal Museums Greenwich advises: “Wait until after midnight for the luminous point of Lyra to rise in the east. The later you wait in the morning, the higher the luminous point will rise and the fewer meteors will be hidden below the horizon.

The Lyra meteor shower is an annual phenomenon that occurs when Earth passes through a cloud of debris from a comet called C/186 Thatcher. (Photo: Simon Roebling/Getty Images)

“But the closer you get to sunrise, the brighter the sky will be, so plan accordingly.”

Why is it called the Geomungo Meteor Shower?

According to the Korea Meteorological Administration, the Lyra meteor shower is so named because it appears to radiate from the constellation Lyra, but they appear longer and more impressive when viewed from farther away from the constellation Lyra.

The Met Office adds: “Known for their fast and bright meteors, the Lyrids are one of the oldest meteor showers.”

What's the best way to watch in the UK?

There is no need to carry binoculars or a telescope. Find a reasonably dark place and hope there aren't too many clouds.

You don't have to go anywhere special to see this sight in the UK. Just go outside and take 30 minutes to let your eyes get used to the darkness.

To see it, look for the Big Dipper or the Ploughshare (they are the same, but are actually at the back of the Big Dipper constellation).

Astronomy site Earthrise warns that this year's showers will rival the full moon on April 23, and advises: “Go to a rural area where the sky is as dark and clear as possible. Observe under the wide open sky: yourself in the shadow of the moon.

“If you can block the view of the Moon but still have a sky where you can see meteors, you will see the brightest Lyrids passing by in bright moonlight.”

Why is it unusual?

This is one of the brightest common meteor showers, and if you try you are likely to see them.

The annual display occurs as Earth passes through a cloud of debris from a comet called C/186 Thatcher.

Chinese astronomers wrote of the Lyrids in 687 BC: “At midnight the stars fell like rain.”

Astronomy site Earthsky says: Lyrids are known for their rare surges that can sometimes result in speeds of up to 100 per hour.

These rare outbursts aren't easy to predict, but they're one reason the sweet Lyrids are worth checking out.

In the book Observe Meteors, authors David Levy and Stephen Edberg write: “…among the annual meteor showers, this is the first one that really attracts attention and one where you can organize a meteor shower viewing party with a great chance of success.”




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