Lung cancer remains the number one cause of cancer death in the United States
- The American Lung Association has released its annual Lung Health Barometer Survey.
- Overall, the rate of death from lung cancer is declining, but remains high.
- Smoking remains the leading cause of lung cancer, but the number of nonsmokers under the age of 40 is increasing.
Emily Daniels, 32, who lives in Golden, Colorado with her husband and young son, began feeling tightness at 33 weeks of pregnancy.
She was wisely tested and a CT scan found two blood clots in her lungs. A scan also found a mass, and a biopsy confirmed it to be stage IV lung cancer.
Daniels, who has never smoked, was shocked to hear the diagnosis.
Her doctors aren’t sure how she got cancer. But they told her it was best for the health of her baby and her mother to induce labor.
“I had been on fertility for a year and a half, but due to pregnancy and hormones, my body wasn’t strong enough in that stress mode. It drove things crazy in my body.” ” she told Healthline.
“My doctor thinks this works. But we don’t know.”
Daniels still has lung cancer. She has undergone chemotherapy and several other treatments and procedures. It was difficult and her life changed dramatically.
But she’s still alive, so she’s taking everything by stride.And her boy, Brady, is now four and a half years birthday.
“Lung cancer has given me perspective on what’s important and how I want to live my life,” she told Healthline.
Today is World Lung Cancer Day and the American Lung Association lung health barometera new study revealing key lung cancer awareness statistics.
The good news is that overall lung cancer is declining.
The bad news is it’s still the leading cause of cancer deaths in the US
Although smoking remains the most common cause of lung cancer, the proportion of lung cancer patients like Daniels who have never smoked and are under the age of 40 is increasing.
“Lung cancer rates have declined over the past 15 years because of better tobacco control and more preventive measures. But now a higher proportion of never smokers get lung cancer. ” David Tom CookMD, the FACS Chief of General Thoracic Surgery at the University of California, Davis, told Healthline.
Cook said there are multiple reasons why people who have never smoked get lung cancer.
They include exposure to second-hand smoke, radon, asbestos fibers, air pollution, toxins from the growing wildfires around the world, and genetic factors.
“It’s important to look at the big picture. Mortality from lung cancer has been declining in our country over the last decade,” Cook said.
“This is due to advances in tobacco recovery and prevention, early stage surgery, immunotherapy and precision medicine.
Adoption of precision medicine includes the rollout of liquid biopsy, a simple blood test that looks for circulating tumor DNA in the blood, Cooke said.
“These assays can detect cancer and find driver mutations.
“The more cancer there is, the more it makes sense. [your] More circulating tumor DNA is present in the body. [the] blood. “
He said it’s not as effective for early-stage lung cancer, where tumors are very small and may not be carrying DNA into the bloodstream.
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in the United States, according to the American Lung Association, but the disease is often overshadowed.
It is estimated that more than 235,000 Americans will be diagnosed with lung cancer this year.
However, only 29% of Americans know that lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in the United States.
Only about one in four (26%) of respondents knew that lung cancer survival had increased by more than 30% over the past decade.
73% of adults have not consulted their doctor about their risk of lung cancer, and only 40% are worried about getting lung cancer.
Also, approximately 70% of respondents were unaware of the availability of lung cancer screening for early detection of the disease.
The American Lung Association works to end lung cancer.
To do so, organizations are engaging a variety of tactics and stakeholders to combat the disease.
“Part of this lack of awareness is due to the unfair stigma that has followed lung cancer for decades. It means that there is no Harold Wimmerthe American Lung Association’s national president and CEO, said in a press statement.
“The good news is that lung cancer survival rates have increased significantly, and awareness of this deadly disease is steadily increasing,” he said.
“Raising awareness of lung cancer is key to securing research funding, encouraging lung cancer screening, reducing stigma about the disease, and ultimately saving lives,” Wimmer said.
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