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What is the minimum amount of exercise we can do to stay healthy and fit?

What is the minimum amount of exercise we can do to stay healthy and fit?


According to Nosaka, what’s important is the frequency of muscle stimulation, not necessarily the amount of exercise.

“With one contraction a day, the brain goes, ‘Okay, there’s stimulation.'”

Strength and muscle mass are key to good health, says Nosaka.

“Muscle mass loss contributes to many chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, some cancers, dementia, and musculoskeletal problems such as osteoporosis.”

He adds: “Maintaining muscle mass will help you maintain independence and a healthy lifespan.”

Professor Corinne Caillaud, an exercise physiologist at the University of Sydney’s Charles Perkins Centre, said the study was interesting, but added that the advice to spread our activity over the course of the week is not new. .


“You could think that a similar number of repetitions would produce the same effect regardless of the training regime, but this doesn’t account for muscle fatigue when doing more repetitions,” she explains. To do.

This means that movement quality and muscle engagement are better when the training load is spread over multiple days rather than compressed into a single session.

Nosaka’s previous research has found that the type of exercise performed in the study matters. Eccentric muscle contractions, such as sitting, are better suited for building strength than concentric contractions.

They don’t fully understand why, but we can lower more than we can lift, and eccentric exercise reduces fatigue and engages more of the brain, he says.

“To improve muscle function and other health parameters, it’s better to go down,” says Nosaka. “Strengthening tendons and ligaments…and myokines” [proteins that affect insulin sensitivity and cholesterol] Eccentric contractions are induced more than concentric contractions. ”

Caillaud explains that research suggests that eccentric exercise may speed up muscle adaptation. However, she says there is a risk of causing too much damage, so she is careful about doing this type of exercise alone.

Rather, adding eccentric exercise to our routines and existing physical activity regimes can benefit us all.

Nosaka recommends lifting a heavy dumbbell with both hands and slowly lowering it with one hand, sitting on one leg, or slowly sitting in a chair each time.

“Even if you go to the toilet, you can train your muscles every time you sit down,” says Nosaka, who is in her 60s. He plays tennis twice a week and always sits back.

For those who haven’t done any resistance training at all, he says, this is a good place to start. However, he adds:

“Do a small amount each day in addition to your weekend exercise. If you can only find one minute a day, you can do 20 [three-second muscle contractions]It can improve strength. It’s very encouraging. ”

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