Study finds ultra-processed foods are linked to cancer and early death
Ultra-processed foods include prepackaged soups, sauces, frozen pizza, ready-to-eat meals, hot dogs, sausages, French fries, sodas, commercial cookies, cakes, candies, donuts, ice cream, and other recreational foods. included.
“Literally hundreds of studies have linked ultra-processed foods to obesity, cancer, cardiovascular disease, and overall mortality,” says Paulette Goddard, professor emeritus at New York University, nutrition, food research and Public health expert Marion NestlĂ© said: Food his politics and marketing, including 2015’s “Soda Politics: Take on Big Soda (and Winning).”
“These two studies are consistent. Ultra-processed foods are clearly associated with an increased risk of chronic disease,” said NestlĂ©, who was not involved in either study.
But a new study finds that all types of ultra-processed foods play a role to some extent.
“We found that men with the highest consumption of ultra-processed foods had a 29 percent higher risk of developing colorectal cancer compared to men with the lowest consumption.” Friedman School of Nutrition, Science and Policy, Tufts University, Boston I have a PhD in Nutritional Epidemiology and Data Science.
That association remained even after researchers considered a person’s body mass index and diet quality.
Why wasn’t the risk of colorectal cancer in women the same in the new study?
“The reasons for these gender differences are not yet known, but they may be related to obesity, the different roles of sex hormones and metabolic hormones in men and women,” Zhang said.
“Alternatively, women may have opted for ‘healthier’ ultra-processed foods,” said Dr. Robin Mendelsohn, a gastroenterologist at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City, although this Not involved in research.
The study found that “high consumption of ultra-processed dairy products such as yogurt was associated with a lower risk of colorectal cancer in women.” Some ultra-processed foods are healthier, such as free whole grains, yogurt, and dairy.”
Women have a higher risk of colorectal cancer if they consume more cooked or cooked foods such as pizza, she said. If you eat a lot of ready-to-eat products and sugary drinks based on them, you are likely to have an increased risk of colon cancer.
“Americans consume the majority of their daily calories from ultra-processed foods: 58% for adults and 67% for children,” she added. “We should consider replacing ultra-processed foods with unprocessed or minimally processed foods for cancer prevention and obesity and cardiovascular disease prevention.”
Link to early death
But when researchers compared the two foods to see which contributed the most, they found ultra-processed foods to be “most important in defining mortality risk,” said the division of epidemiology and prevention. said first author Marialaura Bonaccio, an epidemiologist in IRCCS Neurologico Mediterraneo Neuromed of Pozzilli, Italy.
In fact, more than 80 percent of the foods that the guidelines classified as nutritionally unhealthy in the study were also ultra-processed, Bonaccio said in a statement.
“This increased risk of death is not due directly (or exclusively) to the low nutritional value of some products, but to the fact that most of these foods are ultra-processed. It suggests that,” Bonaccio added.
not real food
Why are ultra-processed foods bad for you? It is an industrial formulation that can
These overly processed foods are often high in sugar and salt, low in fiber, and full of chemical additives such as artificial colors, flavors, and stabilizers.
“Some ultra-processed foods may be considered healthier than others, but in general, avoid ultra-processed foods altogether and stick to healthy, unprocessed foods such as fruits, vegetables, and legumes. It is recommended that you focus on
“There’s clearly something about ultra-processed foods that you don’t want to eat or that you don’t realize you’re eating more of,” NestlĂ© said.
“The effects of ultra-processed foods are very clear. The reasons for the effects are not yet known,” NestlĂ© continued. “I wish I knew why, but until we do, the best advice is to eat as little ultra-processed food as possible.”
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