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Caffeine during pregnancy linked to children being an inch shorter

Caffeine during pregnancy linked to children being an inch shorter


Pregnant women are often told to avoid coffee, but now evidence suggests that pregnant women may need to ditch coffee, too. daily tea.

unborn baby exposure to caffeine A new analysis by scientists at the US National Institutes of Health has revealed that it is associated with short stature in early childhood.

Data show that it’s only 50mg a day. half cup coffee Or a cup of tea can make a child almost an inch shorter than a child their age by the age of 8.

NHS guidance states that pregnant women should not consume more than 200 mg of caffeine per day. This is equivalent to two cups of her instant coffee. High doses above 300 or 350 mg/day are associated with low birth weight, premature birth and, in some cases, miscarriage.

A US team examined two cohorts of a total of about 2,500 children to assess how maternal caffeine intake during pregnancy affected height.

shorter than peers

They found that children whose mothers were in the top 25% of caffeine intake (about the same as a cup of coffee) were on average 2.2 cm (0.8 inches) shorter than their peers.

“Children in the highest quartile were about 1.5 cm to 2.2 cm shorter at age 7 to 8 years compared to those in the lowest quartile,” study author Jessica Gleason, PhD, told The Telegraph.

“It is estimated that the first quartile corresponds to very little caffeine intake, while the upper quartile corresponds to about one cup of coffee per day.”

Melanie McGrice, a highly-certified practicing dietitian and founding member of the Early Life Nutrition Coalition, says mothers are often confused by recommended caffeine intake guidance.

“In this study, even 50mg of caffeine a day make a big impact About the height of the child,” she said. “50 mg a day is equivalent to a cup of tea, half a cup of instant coffee, or a block of chocolate.

“This study adds to growing evidence that caffeine intake during pregnancy has a more significant effect than once thought, and given the lack of benefits for pregnancy. caffeine intake during pregnancyIt seems prudent to advise pregnant women to avoid caffeine whenever possible. “

Studies called ‘questionable’

However, some scientists have criticized the study, with Dr Alex Poliakov of the University of Melbourne calling the study “controversial” and “questionable” because causation cannot be proven.

“More coffee drinkers may have other important differences in diet, lifestyle, or other unknown factors that explain our findings, and coffee consumption may have a causal relationship with the results under study.” There may not be… Said.

Co-author Katherine Granz, PhD, adds: Reducing caffeine intake during pregnancy May have long-term effects on a child’s growth

“Importantly, the height differences we observed were small, less than an inch, and further research is needed to determine whether these differences affect children’s health.”

She advised anyone with concerns to discuss them with their care team.

The survey results are published on JAMA Network Open.




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