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Lung cancer screening increases survival

Lung cancer screening increases survival


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Experts say screening for lung cancer is an important and simple diagnostic test. Weedezign/Getty Images
  • Early screening significantly improves 5-year lung cancer survival, researchers say.
  • However, experts point out that many people at high risk of lung cancer were not screened early.
  • They add that new tests such as liquid biopsy are making lung cancer screening easier.

Lung cancer persists Major cause Percentage of cancer deaths in men and women in the United States.

Prices decline That’s because fewer people smoke in the United States, better treatment for non-small cell lung cancer, and earlier screening, according to the American Cancer Society.

Despite that decline, the National Cancer Institute’s SEER database reports that the average lung cancer is 5 years. Survival rate Almost 23%.

A big reason survival rates are still so low is that most people are not yet tested.

According to the American Lung Association, only 16% of lung cancers are Diagnosed It is an early stage that is easy to treat. More than half of lung cancer patients die within a year after he is diagnosed.

Currently, the only recommended screening test for lung cancer is low-dose computed tomography (also called low-dose CT scan, or LDCT).

U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Annual screening with LDCT in persons aged 50 to 80 years who were heavy smokers, current smokers, or had quit within the past 15 years.

Diagnosing early lung cancer with low-dose CT screening significantly improves long-term survival, according to a 20-year international organization. study announced today in annual meeting Radiological Society of North America (RSNA).

Dr. Claudia HenschkeThe lead author of the study, Ph.D., professor of radiology and director of the Early Pulmonary and Cardiac Activity Program at the Icahn School of Medicine in Mount Sinai, New York, told Healthline. much more likely to survive. ”

A key finding of the study, which has yet to be published in a peer-reviewed journal, is that even after a long interval, these study participants did not die of lung cancer, Henschke said.

She said the screening process is relatively straightforward.

“Go into the scanner, put on your clothes, hold your breath and hold your breath. It’s that simple,” Henschke said. “The radiation dose is below a mammogram and people have been getting mammograms for years.”

There are now other options for screening for lung cancer, including: liquid biopsyThis is a blood test that identifies biomarkers in the blood that tell doctors if there is cancer in the body.

Marty KaiserThe founder and CEO of IVBH, a company that specializes in liquid biopsy and early cancer detection, said there is a need for less invasive lung cancer screening.

“The idea is to more easily and accurately detect lung cancer and place those patients on evidence-based imaging pathways much earlier in their disease process,” said Keizer.

“While it is important that our tests are highly accurate and easy to administer, it is also important that they complement and enhance existing standards of care. It improves patient outcomes,” he added. .

Dr. Jeff Venstrom Chief Medical Officer of GRAIL and its multi-cancer liquid biopsy test gallery Now available to consumers.

We know that lung cancers can be hidden from imaging, are often aggressive, and release DNA into the bloodstream early in their natural history,” Venstrom said. An image-based modality for lung cancer screening.

“Galleri-like MCED tests that look for this circulating tumor DNA offer real promise to complement existing low-dose CT screening to detect more cancers earlier, especially in nonsmokers.” Venstrom told Healthline.

“Blood-based MCED testing may avoid radiation exposure and be more accessible to more people, including those living in rural areas where access to imaging is limited,” he added. I was.

protecta liquid biopsy company currently developing liquid biopsies for lung cancer and several other cancers, advanced its lung cancer program in January with a large, focused lung cancer study using blood screening. I was.

“We plan to enroll 9,000 people in that study of high-risk smokers.” Dr. Craig Eagle, Guardant’s chief medical officer, told Healthline. “The ultimate goal is to provide testing and use data from regulatory testing.”

Dr. Scott LipmanThe vice president of cancer research at the University of California, San Diego, told Healthline that the lung cancer screening study shows promise.

“We all want these early cancer detection tests to work. But we need to prove this in large randomized trials,” he said. To be approved for effective use, the benefits must be shown to outweigh the known harms.”




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