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Common sense health: Does the virus spread when you flush the toilet? | News


Why do so many people keep their toilet seats apart all the time? After all, this isn’t the most attractive display object. Convincing medical evidence has now confirmed that the toilet needs to be covered before cleaning.

Researchers at Yangzhou University in China have used computer modeling to show that flushing a toilet does not hold all the virus and water in a bowl. They report in the journal Physics of Fluids that sprays can fly as high as 3 feet! One of the researchers, Ji-Xiang Wang, added that spray speeds could be even higher in public toilets.

The reader will understand that the study of toilet seats is not a high priority in this column. But a few years ago, female readers caused curiosity about toilets. “Standing in a public bathroom, balancing on high heels, grabbing my handbag with my teeth, my panty hose with my knees, I wonder if it’s safe to sit down.”

Subsequent research began with genital herpes. It is estimated that approximately 18% of people between the ages of 19 and 49 will develop genital herpes each year. There has always been a lot of myth about herpes, one was that it could only be transmitted by sexual contact.

Dr. Toldi Larsen, a researcher at the University of California, did not receive the Nobel Prize in Medicine, but the scientific community was amazed. Larsen took a sample from a lesion of genital herpes and placed it on the toilet seat. She also asked patients with active lesions to sit in their seats and take samples. Her findings reported that the herpes virus survived 4 hours in the toilet seat!

Health officials say that catching herpes from the toilet seat is a rare event, the infected person needs to have an open wound, and the next unprotected seat user also needs cuts and abrasions on the skin. Perhaps if this is the only threat then you will accept the risk.

However, another study at McGill University in Montreal revealed that the human papillomavirus that causes genital warts may also be detected in the toilet seat.

Regarding that spray from a flush, researchers have determined that the toilet produces bioaerosol-a suspended airborne concentration of particles. Carmen McDermott of the University of Washington School of Medicine reports at the Journal of Hospital Infection that the SARS virus could survive in aerosols for three hours.

In a good sense, toilets are not the most hygienic place. For example, a study found that 97% of the seats have bacteria that cause boiling, and 81% have bacteria that cause diphtheria and hepatitis. Other bacteria cause sore throat and food poisoning.

How about men? Studies show that when a man urinates in a urinal, the spray travels up to 3 feet.

This column is not intended to cause “trivial delusions.” But this fear exists. For example, one study showed that 30% of people “hold it” rather than use public toilets. About 40% wash their feet in the toilet and 60% hover instead of sitting in the toilet.

So what is the answer? Brian Bouzdec, an aerosol researcher at the University of Bristol in the UK, says, “Please lower the sheet, clean the sheet and wash your hands before flushing.”

Sadly, too many people don’t wash their hands-even doctors. At an infectious disease meeting by a doctor, students monitored their behavior in the bathroom. An amazing 50% of doctors did not wash their hands!

Final advice. It was natural that my mother was wary of public toilet seats. Now, our computer age is proving that fecal viruses can be released into the air. So learn to keep the toilet seat down before flushing and when not in use. It’s safe and clean.

The weekly column by Dr. W. Gifford Jones has been published for 45 years. The same meaningless tradition now continues in the father-daughter collaboration. Sign up with To receive our weekly newsletter. For comments, [email protected]..


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