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OC restaurant without the need to disclose coronavirus cases


At least six restaurants in Orange County were temporarily closed for cleaning after announcing positive coronavirus tests or contact with people exposed to the disease.

Followed by additional closures Similar plan to make the space deeply clean and hygienic After an employee of a restaurant elsewhere infected with COVID-19.

Reporting county Over 1,000 coronavirus cases 3 new deaths on Tuesday Over a dozen After the outbreak, the state has instructed the company, including restaurants, to suspend its indoor operations.

In that list Angels, San Bernardino And Riverside county. However, unlike the public health departments in these counties, which identify restaurants and businesses with more than two coronavirus infections, Orange County Healthcare Agency does not share that information with the public. Do so.

Restaurants must follow the guidelines of the Orange County Health Department for safety protocols to protect themselves from viruses and should contact their health authorities if an employee tests positive. However, in the absence of a public database, it is up to the individual restaurant to inform the customer about a positive test between staff.

With that in mind, more than 1,000 people have signed a petition requesting the county to publish a list of restaurants that have closed due to coronavirus concerns across nearly 19,000 counties.

“As a consumer, we need to decide whether to patronize facilities exposed to COVID. Just as health grades are published, COVID exposures should be published.”

While not required now, restaurants and businesses can individually warn customers of potential hazards. In the last few weeks, at least half a dozen eateries have reported social media infections.

For example, Augustino’s Italian restaurant in Garden Grove announced on Facebook that it closed on July 1 as staff may have contacted people who tested positive for the virus. The restaurant posted the latest information five days later and said it would reopen after all staff members failed.

Ladera Ranch’s Poke Bowl issued a similar message after a staff member contacted someone with a known exposure.

Golden Road Brewery in Huntington Beach, which reopened Wednesday morning, announced on Facebook last week that it would be temporarily closed after a positive staff test. Laguna Beach’s Adolfo’s posted a similar message last week that the owner was positive for the virus, and 25 Degrees at Huntington Beach issued a message that the staff were positive.

Los Alamitos’s off-hook tested all 110 employees and voluntarily closed on June 30 after discovering that three were positive. Then the restaurant was reopened.

The way health departments enforce safety protocols in restaurants is still changing. In Los Angeles County, The supervisory committee passed the motion On Tuesday, instruct the public health department to impose a fine or a policy to revoke permits in restaurants that do not comply with the COVID-19 Health Order. Orange County does not enforce such rules.

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