WHO states that airborne Covid-19 transmissions cannot be excluded in outbreaks in some indoor settings
“As far as we understand,” the virus is transmitted primarily through contact and respiratory droplets, but there are still many unresolved problems with airborne transmission, and “urgent research is needed.” Is reported.
“Airborne transmission of viruses can occur in a healthcare environment where certain medical procedures called aerosol-generating procedures produce very small droplets called aerosols. Outbreak reports suggest possible aerosol transmission in combination with droplet transmission, for example, during chorus practice, in restaurants, in fitness classes,” says the new WHO report, corona named SARS-CoV-2. I’m talking about viruses.
Still, “current evidence suggests that SARS-CoV-2 infections are primarily due to direct, indirect, or close contact with people infected through infected secretions such as saliva and respiratory secretions. Occurring or infected people cough, sneeze, discuss, or sing a song.” “Respiratory droplets from infected individuals can also land on the object.”
Brittany Kumush, an associate professor specializing in public health and infectious diseases at Syracuse University in New York, releases when someone coughs or sneezes and infects Covid-19 compared to aerosolized particles. He said there are differences in the particles that are made.
“We always thought it was airborne in that we didn’t actually have to touch someone’s mouth or nose to get the virus, so if someone sneezes, a large liquid It travels in the air as drops, causing mouth and nose and infections.”
On the other hand, airborne or “aerosol transmission” involving aerosols refers to the diffusion of particles that are aerosolized.
“That is, these are very small particles that can stay in the air for long periods of time and can go further. So this method allows these small aerosolized particles to keep Covid in the air. I believe it can be done for a longer period of time,” said Kumush. “We must continue to stay at home with masking and distance as much as possible.”
At the media briefing in Geneva on Tuesday, Dr. Benedetta Alleganji, WHO technical leader in infection control and control, talked to and collaborated with many of the scientists who signed a letter claiming WHO was not frank about airborne transmission. Said.
“We admit that, like all other areas of the Covid-19 virus and pandemics, there is new evidence in this area. Therefore, we are open to this evidence and I believe we need to understand the implications, and also about the precautions that need to be taken.”
“This is a respiratory pathogen, so it’s important that what we know fits with the guidance we have. Therefore, a comprehensive set of measures to help stop the infection. I need a package of packages” “This includes not only physical distances, but also the use of masks in the right places in a particular setting. Especially when physical distances are not possible. Especially for healthcare professionals.”
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