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Association between obesity and Alzheimer’s disease

Association between obesity and Alzheimer’s disease


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Researchers say obesity may increase the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.Miramai/Getty Images
  • Obesity, especially in middle age, may increase the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, researchers say.
  • Obesity may increase the risk of other diseases, such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes, experts say.
  • They say maintaining a healthy weight can be achieved through diet, exercise, sleep and reducing stress.

obesity may be more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease Losing weight may reduce risk and slow progression cognitive declineaccording to, study Published in Alzheimer’s Journal.

Researchers analyzed brain scans of more than 1,300 individuals and compared the gray matter patterns of Alzheimer’s patients to those of healthy participants.

They also compared brain scans of people with obesity to brain scans of people without obesity.

The researchers then created brain maps of gray matter atrophy in all participants.

Scientists have reported that obesity and Alzheimer’s disease have similar effects on gray matter, suggesting that both can cause the same type of neurodegeneration in the brain.

Gray matter is a major factor in the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

Plaque builds up in the brain, reduces the amount of gray matter, and can lead to decreased high functioning. Reports published in 2021.

cognitive functionAs gray matter shrinks, motor function and memory decline.

“This study provides evidence for the detrimental impact of obesity, a multisystem disease associated with metabolic changes that include direct effects on the central nervous system, on cognition, overall brain health, and risk of Alzheimer’s disease. It has contributed significantly to the growth,” he said. Dr. Scott KaiserHe is a geriatrician and director of geriatric cognitive health at the Pacific Neuroscience Institute in Providence St. John’s Health Center, California.

“We show that neurodegeneration (or loss of brain cells as indicated by cortical thinning) may be one of the key mechanisms driving this risk,” Kaiser told Healthline. “This is in addition to the growing body of evidence surrounding ‘modifiable’ risk factors for dementia, and what we can do, or avoid, to keep our brains healthy and reduce our future risk of developing dementia.” And when it comes to dementia, addressing modifiable risk factors could prevent one-third of cases, experts suggest. . “

Experts say the new study builds on previous research linking obesity to Alzheimer’s disease and points to cortical thinning, or loss of brain cells, as one potential cause.

In the press release, Philip MorrisA postdoctoral researcher at the Montreal Neurological Institute in Canada and the lead author of the study, PhD, says losing weight in middle age reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases. said it can be done.

Middle-aged obesity is the most harmful, according to a report published in . The forefront of nutrition science.

“Maintaining a healthy weight is thought to reduce the risk of dementia from obesity.” Dr. Glenn FinneyHe is Director of the Geisinger Memory and Cognition Program and a Trustee of the Greater Pennsylvania Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association.

“Midlife obesity is one of many health risks associated with an increased risk of late-onset Alzheimer’s disease. DiabetesThis is the most important modifiable risk factor for dementia affecting the American population,” Finney told Healthline.

being overweight middle aged It can cause many health problems decades later.

people who were tall body mass index People with (BMI) were 2.5 times more likely to be frail than before, according to a study published in . BMJ OpenFrailty is at increased risk of complications from falls, injuries, hospitalization, and hospitalization.

obesity It is considered the top modifiable dementia risk in the United States.

Overweight affects both men and women, but most women are overweight in middle North American Menopause Societycarrying extra weight increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, Osteoarthritisand some types of cancer.

Some factors that contribute to weight gain in middle age include:

  • slow down metabolism
  • Lean mass decreases, body fat increases – fat burns fewer calories than muscle
  • reduced physical activity

Several strategies are needed to prevent obesity and maintain a healthy weight. harvard health:

  • gain healthy food In a diet that includes whole grains, fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and protein
  • Reduce unhealthy foods, including refined grains and sugar, white potatoes, red meat and processed meat
  • increased physical activity
  • reduce sitting time during the day
  • improved sleep
  • reduce stress




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