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Community gardening can boost your lifestyle and health

Community gardening can boost your lifestyle and health


February 3, 2023 — Despite the boom in wellness culture in recent years, Americans continue to struggle to maintain a long-term healthy lifestyle. We have more choices than ever before, but something is still not working.

According to the CDC, 6 in 10 Americans suffer from diet-related chronic illnesses such as heart disease, stroke, certain cancers and type 2 diabetes.

So maybe it’s time to think creatively and get your hands dirty.

For years, the leaders of Denver Urban Gardens (DUG) have focused on just how many health benefits come from planting seeds and tending crops. There was no real way to measure it scientifically. From 2017 to her 2019, Dr. Jillritt, an environmental health expert at the University of Colorado Boulder, and her colleagues surveyed 37 community gardens operated by her DUG in Colorado and found that gardening was associated with diet-related chronic diseases. We investigated whether it could reduce the common health risks associated with

Randomized controlled trials (the gold standard for measuring how effective new interventions are) have shown that these novice-level gardeners significantly increased their fiber intake and time spent in moderate to vigorous physical activity. Researchers also found an overall reduction in anxiety among gardeners, especially those who started the program with high stress levels.

According to Ritt, the garden is a solution that deliberately stays away from medicine.

“That way, you can avoid your doctor waving the finger at you and telling you that you need to lose weight and eat better because we know it won’t change behavior.” Because they are,” Litt says.

The garden also provides an important social element for those who want to spend time with others while working but don’t attend Soul Cycle or Barry’s Bootcamp.

Doug Wooley, 42, who has Spina Bifida, a spina bifida, a spinal birth defect that can lead to disability, has spent the past decade working in the garden, much of it at Denver Urban Gardens .

Woolley uses a walker and other mobility devices. As a kid, he hated going to physical therapy. He had little social interaction, and an environment where he stared at the same four walls and medical posters week after week wasn’t a particularly motivating environment, he says.

When I go out in the garden, I basically do everything I did in physical therapy, except it’s exciting and fun,” says Wooley.

And on top of the benefits from his mobility, he has the added bonus of watching his plants grow, connecting with the food he eats, and sharing the experience with groups of people doing the same. I get

Litt thinks gardening has a bright future as a lifestyle intervention, but wants the debate to move away from weight and obesity. Being told you’re overweight doesn’t solve the underlying problem.

“We want to focus on the building blocks of healthy living and active lifestyles,” says Litt. “And while it’s okay to be big, eat well, be balanced, and find ways to de-stress. Together, these could be the cocktail we need.”




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