20 minutes of exercise can prevent hospitalization for diabetes, stroke and other illnesses
- new
study was announced in JAMA network open Physical activity not only reduces the risk of people developing health problems, but it also prevents hospitalization. - Researchers evaluated the health data of more than 81,000 patients aged 42 to 78.
- Physical activity boosts immune function, improves insulin sensitivity, and supports heart and lung health.
Just 20 minutes of exercise a day can keep people from many health conditions out of hospital, according to a new study.
It’s well-known that regular exercise is associated with a lower risk of cancer, diabetes, and heart disease, but until this report, it remains unclear how exercise impacts the risk of common, less serious health conditions. It was unclear whether
This study adds to the evidence that physical activity is associated with better health.
“This study provides additional insight into the association between physical activity and reduced risk of hospitalization for a variety of conditions not typically associated with physical fitness, such as urinary tract infections, gallbladder disease and pneumonia.” and Dr. Jimmy Johannesa pulmonologist and critical care specialist at Memorial Care Long Beach Medical Center in Long Beach, California.
To determine how regular exercise affects the risk of hospitalization for some of the most common health conditions, researchers examined the health data of more than 81,000 patients aged 42 to 78. I rated it.
Each participant received a wrist-worn activity tracker for one week.
The team then analyzed how physical activity affected participants’ risk of developing health problems and being hospitalized.
In general, the more you exercise, the greater your risk of developing common health conditions such as diabetes, pneumonia, ischemic stroke, gallbladder disease, iron deficiency anemia, urinary tract infections (UTIs), colonic polyps, and venous thromboembolism. was found to be low., and diverticular disease—was.
More physical activity was also associated with a lower risk of hospitalization.
For example, 20 minutes of exercise daily reduced the risk of hospitalization for colonic polyps by 3.8% and the risk of hospitalization for diabetes by 23%.
According to the researchers, the findings suggest that 20 minutes or more of exercise per day is effective and avoids hospitalization with non-pharmaceutical interventions.
“I think this is more supporting evidence that increased physical activity is associated with improved health outcomes,” said Johannes.
It’s important to note that some participants may be more likely to be hospitalized and unable to work out due to health problems, Johannes said.
There is ample evidence that regular exercise can reduce the risk of health conditions and keep people out of the hospital.
The study found that “adults who walked 8,000 or more steps a day had a significantly lower risk of death over the next 10 years than those who walked only 4,000 steps a day.” Michael FredricksonProfessor of Orthopedic Surgery at Stanford Health Care.
Physical activity boosts immune function, improves insulin sensitivity, and supports heart and lung health.
Exercise also reduces inflammation in the body, reducing risk factors that exist for many health conditions, such as high blood pressure and obesity.
“It may also reduce the risk of comorbidities such as ischemic heart disease, diabetes and poor health, which can complicate the disease,” said Johannes.
Physical activity can also help improve sleep quality and manage stress levels, added Fredericson.
A daily walk is a great starting point and achievable for many.
“In general, we recommend starting with 10-15 minutes of walking a day and gradually increasing the time, intensity and number of days per week, two to three days per week,” says Johannes. .
Other options include cycling, running, resistance training, swimming, tennis or pickleball, and tai chi, says Fredrickson.
For those who have difficulty scheduling physical activity, it may be worth getting a fitness tracker that monitors your daily steps, says Johannes.
He recommends aiming for at least 5,000 steps a day, but when it comes to physical activity, it’s better than nothing.
Short bursts of physical activity, such as jogging to the bus, playing with your dog, or running up the stairs, are associated with a significantly lower risk of death.
“Exercise doesn’t have to be continuous and can be broken into several segments throughout the day to get the same health benefits,” said Fredrickson.
A new study shows that 20 minutes of exercise a day can help keep people with various health conditions away from hospitalization. In general, the more you exercise, the lower your risk of developing common health conditions and being hospitalized.
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