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‘The Last of Us’ Zombie Fungus: Is It Real?

‘The Last of Us’ Zombie Fungus: Is It Real?


if you were watching Last of Us Lately, or with other popular zombie apocalypse movies and TV shows, you’re probably wondering if this really happens.

Our expert Dr. David Perlin is Chief Scientific Officer at Hackensack Meridian. healthy Center for Discovery and Innovation (CDI)delves into the scientific background of “zombie fungus” and whether it is really dangerous.

yes. Last of Us Fungi are real.

fungi from Last of Us present in nature today, Ophiocordyceps unilateralis, or cordyceps. Cordyceps is often called the “zombie ant fungus” because it mainly infects insects such as ants and spiders.

Are zombie fungi dangerous to humans?

Zombie fungus does not infect humans.It is actually common in some health supplements and herbal medicines because it improves immunity and may help fight cancer cells and reduce tumor size. potential health benefits It includes increasing athletic performance through endurance and strength, and improving kidney function.

Humans cannot carry or become infected with fungi due to the high internal body temperature. The human body is far more complex than ants and other insects in defending itself against cordyceps infections.

What do zombie fungi do?

Like most zombie thrillers, Fungi uses “mind control” to make insects do what they want, essentially turning them into “zombie”.

  • The purpose of the fungus is to move the host to the most favorable climate, usually with high humidity, for the fungus to thrive and grow.
  • The fungus excretes all nutrients from the host and fills the host’s body with spores, allowing it to reproduce.
  • The host is then forced to seek higher ground and stay there before releasing the spores into the atmosphere.

Other insect infections are primarily airborne, but are transmitted through insect bites. Last of UsAnother misconception from the show is that all infected insects are related, but Cordyceps infected insects are not actually related to each other.

Ants and other insect hosts are slowly consumed by the fungi as they release spores. After consuming to

Are there fungi that affect humans?

Approximately 1 billion people suffer from hair, skin or nail infections such as ringworm and athlete’s foot each year. There are other fungi that affect a person’s mental state, such as psilocybin, better known as the “magic mushroom.” Overall, scientists know about 150,000 species of fungi, but estimate that millions more will be discovered. Of this number, only about 200 can affect humans.

Fungal infections pose serious health risks, especially for people with weakened immune systems.

“An estimated 1.5 million people worldwide die from fungal infections. Among those on the World Health Organization’s list of ‘priority pathogens’ are: white earsDiscovered in 2009, multidrug-resistant bacteria are now common in health care settings in New York, New Jersey, Illinois, Florida, California, and recent outbreaks in states such as Nevada and Mississippi,” Perlin said. I will add.

AIDS-related organisms such as Cryptococcus neoformans It frequently causes meningitis, which can cause cognitive impairment, and kills hundreds of thousands of people each year.

Environmental fungi, such as molds, are spread by releasing airborne spores, some spread through water and food supplies, and others spread from person to person. Overall, it spreads slower than viruses.

“Nevertheless, two highly drug-resistant organisms, white ears and Aspergillus fumigatus, according to the CDC, has spread widely and is now a global threat,” says Dr Perlin. “The good news is that the human immune system and the availability of antifungal treatments are highly effective in controlling potential diseases, limiting the impact of most invasive fungal species. ”

According to Dr. Perlin, ” Last of Us The way the fungus, Cordyceps, attacks insects is very specific to insects and cannot be easily altered to affect other species such as humans.

Next steps and resources:

  • Our Source: David Perlin, Ph.D.
  • To make an appointment with a doctor near you, please call us. 800-822-8905 or visit our website.

Materials provided through HealthU are intended to be used for general information only and are not intended to replace medical advice. Always consult your doctor for individualized care.




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