Regular internet use may be linked to lower dementia risk in older adults, study says
If your parents or grandparents ask you how to post on Instagram or send birthday messages to your Facebook friends, you may want to help them out, new research suggests. , that too.
a study A paper published Wednesday in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society found that older adults who use the Internet regularly develop dementia.
The researchers confirmed this association after following nearly eight years of 18,154 adults between the ages of 50 and 65 who had no dementia when the study period began.
adults were part of it Health and Retirement Researchan interdisciplinary collection of data from a representative sample of people in the United States, collected by the National Institute on Aging and the Social Security Administration.
I asked each participant the following simple question: ?”
Those who used the internet at the start of the study had about half the risk of dementia compared to those who did not use it regularly.
Researchers also looked at how often these adults were online. Those who used the Internet for less than about two hours a day, she said, had the lowest risk of dementia compared to those who did not use the Internet, who had a “significantly higher estimated risk.”
The researchers noted an increased risk of dementia in people who were connected to the internet for six to eight hours a day, but said the results were not statistically significant and more research was needed. I’m here.
Scientists still don’t know what causes dementia, so the new study can’t pinpoint the exact link between internet use and brain health. Dr. Virginia W. Chan I have some ideas.
Chan, Associate Professor of Global Public Health at New York University School of Global Public Health, said:
The survey also didn’t look at what people research online.Internet is overflowing cat videos and conspiracy theoryit can also provide intellectual stimulation, and some studies show that intellectual stimulation may help prevent dementia. 2020 research For example, we found an association between cognitively stimulating work and a reduced risk of dementia.
As you get older, it’s normal for your brain to slow down a bit, and it can become harder to remember what browser tabs you have open on your computer. However, in a healthy brain, everyday memory and knowledge are fairly stable. person with dementia Problems with everyday brain functions such as making new memories, solving problems, and completing routine tasks.
almost 6.2 million people People over the age of 65 have Alzheimer’s disease, the most common form of dementia, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That number is expected to grow exponentially as baby boomers age.
“Overall, this is an important study. Dr. Claire Sexton, senior director of scientific programs and outreach at the Alzheimer’s Society, was not involved in the new research.” I don’t want to read too much into it.It doesn’t establish cause and effect.”
Experts have been looking for ways to keep people at bay beyond medication.
The Alzheimer’s Association US Pointer Studies, A two-year clinical trial to pinpoint lifestyle interventions that may reduce the risk of dementia.
Risk factors such as family history and age cannot be changed, but scientists believe they can. some healthy behaviors It can reduce the risk of this type of cognitive decline.
Lifestyle factors such as exercise, getting enough sleep, maintaining a healthy weight, controlling blood pressure, controlling blood sugar levels, quitting smoking, and engaging with others may help. Internet surfing isn’t one of the official activities listed by the CDC, but new research shows growing evidence to suggest that more studies can better establish this connection. .
New research does not beginning Use of the Internet allows help Reduces cognitive 2020 research Cognitive decline in male Internet users was found to be modest. others No gender differences were seen.
The most recent study found that the difference in risk between normal users and non-regular Internet users did not differ by gender, education level, or race or ethnicity.
some research It also shows the benefits of training older people. Computer It also suggests that the Internet helps us actively connect with others and learn information and skills.
research It also suggests that most seniors use the Internet most frequently for basic tasks such as email, news, and online banking. However, more and more people are learning about new social his platform such as: Bereal or dance and Sing on TikTokand learn new technology Studies suggest it may prevent dementia.
Older people’s use of social networking sites increase their connections Reach out to others and reduce isolation.Several the study Older people who are lonely have been shown to be three times more likely to develop dementia than those who report feeling socially connected.
“We need more evidence, not only from observational studies like this, but also from intervention studies,” Sexton said. So we may be able to treat people with dementia the same way we treat heart disease.
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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