159.1 results
Per 100,000 for 7 days until June 25-Days until local lockdown
Two weeks have passed since then Lester went to a local blockade, It became the first city in the country.
It occurred after a surge in the number of coronavirus cases recorded in the area.
Since the local blockade was announced, 10% of all coronavirus cases recorded in the country came from Leicester just the week before.
So where are we now?
Is the infection rate decreasing?
According to the latest NHS England statistics, the incidence of new cases of Covid-19 in Leicester has fallen from its recent peak.
Equivalent 115.4 units per 100,000 units Man Detected in 7 days until July 9.
Fall a little 119.9 units per 100,000 units Man Recorded in the last 7 days until July 2.
159.1 results
Per 100,000 for 7 days until June 25-Days until local lockdown
Which parts of Leicestershire are still blocked?
In the Braby area:
Brownstone Town (including Foss Park)
Glen Parva
Lester Forest East (east of M1)
Soap astley
All areas of Audby and Wigston.
Has the outbreak been exacerbated in certain areas of Leicestershire?
Odby and Wigston, which are also included in Lockdown, are now in the area Suburbs with the highest infection rates.
1,116 cases
Per 100,000 Leicester
712 cases
Per 100,000 people in Audby and Wigston
431 cases
Per 100,000 people in Leicestershire
More than 9,000 households in the Borough are told to be tested for the virus, whether they have symptoms or not.
Residents will be given a leaflet and will be sent text by GP instructing them to take the test.
So did all parts need lockdown?
Lester Mayor Sir Peter Salisby says he was given the “useful data” he “finally” sought a few weeks ago.
He said this morning, saying that local lockdowns were unjustified and preventable.
Looking at the data, it is clear that higher than the average prevalence of the virus is in some areas of the city, how the city is completely blocked, and indeed beyond. Our boundaries are not justified.
The government is now called on to release some of Leicester’s suburbs from blockades.
Leicestershire County Council leader Nick Rushton said he would raise issues with the Secretary of Health at today’s conference call.
He said the number of people who tested positive for coronaviruses was badly lobbyed by residents who did not think they were worthy of their blockade.
Residents have expressed concerns about:
There are sensibilities from the residents…Looking at the small numbers is low. If they are alone, they are not blocked.
But he added:
Seeing Audby and Wigston closer to the city is probably a bit difficult.
The only person who can correct borders is the Secretary of State. It’s not me… I ask him, but it’s not my phone.
Will the lockdown be released soon?
Health authorities said The decision to unlock Leicester’s lockdown is “urgent.” It depends on the incidence of coronaviruses dropping to similar levels in other regions.
The country’s deputy chief medical officer, Professor Jonathan Vantam, told Leicester’s local radio reporter about the city’s blockade exit plan that rates had to be “consistently and obviously” dropping. It was
He said the data released this weekend showed that the city was still “quite outliers” compared to the rest of the country, “the situation has improved, but we need to go further. .”
The situation has improved, but more needs to be done.
“Usually, a way to approach them from a public health perspective is step-by-step,” Vantam said when he was struck by whether Leicester could be unblocked after a scheduled review next Saturday. Take a different approach.”
Normally, you don’t just apply the brakes harder, you don’t just release the brakes completely. I think it’s a reasonable expectation for setting it up.
Asked if he wanted the lockdown restrictions to be lifted soon, Sir Peter Soulsby said, “I hoped so,” but warned the detention.
It was clear from a discussion we had with them (the Ministry of Health) last week that they still have no clue how to measure what constitutes success with this.
What data do health authorities use to determine when to unlock lockdowns?
The mayor sought a more detailed breakdown of the test data, allowing the authorities to find out where the virus was transmitted.
I still get it (data), but I don’t have a few important things I need, especially in cities like Leicester. We need to know the ethnicity of the people being tested and where they work. There has always been a story that it could be passed on to factories, but there is no way to know that.
He added:
So, even the data you’re currently getting is the best part of two weeks ago, and you need to know every day, street by street, what that data conveys. And you can see if you are actually fighting the virus effectively in that particular area.
However, health authorities have responded to the mayor’s concerns about the information provided.
Professor Jonathan Vantham said:
Regarding the data, the idea that there was a step on the road but it was two weeks late is incorrect.
Health Secretary Matt Hancock is reportedly considering more detailed monitoring of decisions made by local governments.
What are the causes of this recent outbreak?
Public Health According to a UK report, There is no apparent single cause of outbreaks in cities. There were no special nursing homes, hospitals, factories, etc. and had nothing to do with the reopening of school.
However, Leicester’s factory is in the limelight after the campaign group “Labour Behind the Label” highlights bad industry practices.
Textile factories could be the cause of the outbreak, claiming that the company had forced staff to work even if it was virus positive.
But according to the British Public Health Service, there is no evidence.
Former workers at the Leicester plant allege that staff were exploited and forced to work at low wages and adverse conditions. Due to social distance and lack of general security, he left shortly after the beginning of the pandemic.
In an exclusive interview, he told Rajiv Popat that the owner prioritizes profits above all else.
Lester’s textile maker Say Reports that garment factories have contributed to the recent surge Very misleading and bad for the industry.
How did the local blockade affect the people of Leicester?
Some people living in Leicester Racism has increased since the lockdown was announced.
Kully Sidki is recovering from Covid-19 and spent two months in hospital, including four weeks of intensive care.
He fully supported the blockade, but said the decision was targeted by racists.
At that time he said:
I think the negativity is increasing. In particular, looking at social media, the denial of the population prevailing in the city center is increasing.
There was also Fear of Leicester’s minority community.
After the Midland study shows BAME people suffer disproportionately from mortality..
Black or Asian of Leicester people
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