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COVID-19 does not approach herd immunity, experts say


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According to experts, herd immunity has a long way to go for COVID-19. Therefore, actions such as wearing a mask and maintaining a physical distance are the best ways to prevent the spread of the disease. Getty images
  • According to experts, there is no close match to achieving herd immunity to COVID-19 in the United States.
  • In addition, new research suggests that antibodies raised during infection last only for a few months.
  • Experts say that personal actions such as wearing a mask, washing your hands, and keeping your physical distance are the best ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

More than 3 million people in the United States have been diagnosed with COVID-19 (new coronavirus infectious disease) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when first appearingAccording to the report, over 136,000 people have died since the beginning of the pandemic Johns Hopkins..

Many people are infected with the new coronavirus, so you may want to think that we are close to achieving Herd immune protectionIt helps prevent the spread of the virus.

But a health line expert said we weren’t near either. To do this, 60 to 70% of the population needs to be infected.

“We are “a journey to the length of Mars” from achieving herd immunity,” he said. Dr. Gregory A. Poland, A vaccine expert and professor of medicine at the Mayo Clinic, Minnesota.

“What we know is that the majority of Americans are not infected. We are far from the majority,” he added. Gypsum Yamba DoosaPhD, Professor of Epidemiology and Global Health at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Maryland.

“There are hotspots that are more serious in their outbreaks, but even in the most exposed places we know so far, no herd was close to collective immunity,” D’Souza says Healthline. I told him.

“There are few places where antibody levels exceed 20%, and it is likely that the immunity of the herd will require approximately 60% protection.” Dr. David W. DaudiIs also an Associate Professor of Epidemiology and International Health at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

“Let’s visit Italy and see the cities that were hit hardest. They did a seroprevalence study. That was 12.6%,” Poland told Healthline. “Despite an uncontrollable number of deaths, it reached only about 13%, well ahead of 70%.”

“For example, we saw this in real-time demo in Sweden,” explained Poland. “They decided to establish the herd’s immunity simply by infecting everyone. They have a higher incidence and mortality in most cases than any of the surrounding countries. They had the same impact on their economy, and they are nowhere near the herd’s immunity.”

Poland adds that it’s not just mortality. The virus also appears to have long-term complications, and some scientists are learning now.

“Naive people see the mortality rate and say it kills only 2 percent,” Poland said. “But there is very early evidence that the lack of symptoms should not be the same as the lack of harm. There may be cardiomyopathy with pulmonary fibrosis, liver and kidney damage, myocarditis, and reduced cardiopulmonary function. May.”

new Investigation It suggests that if one person becomes infected, the immunity they receive disappears within a few months and may develop another infection.

In other words, herd immunity may be elusive.

“If antibody protection is short-lived, that is, less than a few months, we rarely achieve immunity in a herd from a natural infection,” Daudy said.

Recent studies have not been peer-reviewed, but researchers at King’s College London have tested 96 patients, confirming that health-care workers carry the antibody COVID-19.

The researchers repeated the test from March to June. They found that antibody levels peaked three weeks after the onset of symptoms, but then dropped dramatically.

In more severe cases of COVID-19, antibody levels were higher and lasted longer.

In some mild cases no antibody was detected.

Experts say the best scenario is to change a person’s behavior such as wearing a mask, physical distance, washing hands, etc. until the advent of vaccines and antivirals.

“I think the main factor that is the most dreadful part of this is human behavior. Therefore, for those who deny science, they cause an incredible, raging, runaway outbreak across the southern border of the United States. “Poland said.

“For governments and states that take it seriously, choose New York, our poster kid-they didn’t respond well at first. They became epicenters, they understood what was happening, They have essentially very few cases right now, since they basically turned around so quickly.”

“We have learned a lot. We are better at treatment and at testing. We are in a stronger position, but now it is a very scary time,” D’Souza said. .. “The rates are increasing and much higher than we would like. The risk of the future is very scary for us as we follow infectious diseases.”

“These increasing infection rates have led to a wave of increasing morbidity. This is a negative health effect and death. It’s coming, and as you know, their respective lives are people.” She added.

“It’s really really overwhelming to think of the possible deaths of this infection,” D’Souza said.


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