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Introducing Biden’s NIH selection – POLITICO

Introducing Biden’s NIH selection – POLITICO


Monica Bertagnoli is The Choice of President Joe Biden Leading the National Institutes of Health to a world where COVID-19 is no longer a public health emergency, and in doing so restores the confidence in science that has been damaged by the pandemic.

If the Senate approves her, the Boston cancer surgeon and director of the National Cancer Institute will oversee a $45 billion budget.

It is by definition a complex job. But at a time when even research-focused institutions that have traditionally enjoyed bipartisan support in Congress have become politicized, the issue is neither strictly scientific nor administrative, but survival-related. It is.

Bertagnolli has the support of the scientific community, including Anthony Fauci, former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. “I was one of those who strongly suggested that she be considered for the position of NIH director.” Fauci told Erin:.

About Bertagnoli:

– She was the Chief of the Department of Surgical Oncology at Dana-Farber Brigham Cancer Center and led both the Oncology Clinical Trials Alliance and the American Society of Clinical Oncology before joining NCI.

– Bertagnolli, 64, widely known as an unwavering and good listener, has worked on difficult surgical cases that other doctors have shrugged off.

– She’s from Wyoming, which could give her more credibility with Congressional Republicans.

– Last year she was diagnosed with early stage breast cancer and is still undergoing treatment. “Knowing about cancer as a doctor is one thing, experiencing it firsthand is another.” she wrote at the time.

Bertagnoli may face Controversial Approval Hearing:

— Republican lawmakers investigating the NIH are expected to press her hard on the origins of the novel coronavirus and the theory that NIH research funding caused the pandemic.

— Across the aisle, Bernie Sanders (Iverny, Vermont), chairman of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Work and Pensions, recently told Biden that he was “a candidate for a major future federal health agency. I will oppose anyone who is not prepared to do so.” Significantly reduce prescription drug prices. ”

It’s a high-stakes challenge, especially for someone who’s only been in Washington for seven months.

Fauci said Bertagnoli was upbeat about the task, saying, “I don’t think she’ll have a hard time dealing with it.” As a surgeon, she said, “almost every day, someone’s life is in your hands. It’s a pressure situation.”

Here we explore the ideas and innovators shaping healthcare.

Trend alert: Gym-goers are ditching kettlebells in favor of so-called “motor motion” training inspired by the movements of wild animals. The Wall Street Journal reported.

Bear rolls, crab walks and bunny hops require little to no equipment and help build strength and flexibility and reduce the effects of sitting for long periods of time, fitness instructors told us.

Share your thoughts, news, tips and feedback with Ben Leonard. [email protected]Ruth Leader [email protected]carmen pawn [email protected] or Erin Shoemaker [email protected].

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today our pulse check podcast, Moderator Catherine Ellen Foley says cost-cutting proposals from the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation to cut payments for drugs that have been approved by the FDA but whose clinical benefits have yet to be proven will stifle innovation Talks with Robert King about the concerns of some House Republicans that .

The end of the COVID-19 emergency Last week’s events will have a subtle impact on remote patient monitoring.

Such monitoring was widely available through Medicare under relaxed pandemic rules.

Now Medicare can only pay For devices used to track the vital signs of “established patients” (those who started using home health monitoring before the end of the May 11th emergency).

Why it matters: The pandemic has accelerated the move towards home care, and remote monitoring has played a key role.

The technology can be used to monitor a variety of conditions, including hypertension and diabetes, and has attracted significant private sector investment.

2022 Medical Group Management Association Survey About a quarter of medical practices offer remote monitoring, according to the survey, and about a quarter of those said they would not consider it in the next year.

“Even before the pandemic, the growing body of evidence suggests that this technology could detect problems early to improve outcomes, reduce costs, improve public health care, and reduce staff burnout. are enhanced,” the group told Ben.

What’s next: Scarpelli’s group is stepping up its campaign to prove the value of surveillance. It has created a “central resource” for scrutinizing research and best practices, and is set to launch next month with the aim of informing policy and industry.

As recently as January Pear Therapeutics seemed to be on the cutting edge of healthcare with a product that combines smartphones and addiction treatment.

But it all came crashing down last month when the Boston company filed for bankruptcy and announced it would sell the assets of an FDA-approved online app called Prescription Digital Therapeutics to help people addicted to opioids and other drugs. .

Proponents say it’s Congress’ fault and a symptom of a broader problem in Washington that’s hampering innovative treatments: the government’s reluctance to pay for treatment. Ruth and Ben reported. feature film for Politico.

“Pier’s bankruptcy filing is a direct result of Congress’ failure to pass the bill,” said Kevin Brennan, a former lobbyist for Pia.

Pear got FDA approval for its drug use disorder app five years ago. While the app offers courses on disease management and helps patients track their needs and continue in-person care, Medicare and Medicaid Service Centers cannot reimburse providers. For them, part of the reason is that Congress has not approved a new billing code that describes the treatment.

This has far-reaching implications for the market, as many private insurers base their coverage decisions on CMS capabilities.

to the rescue? Senators Jean Shaheen (DN.H.) and Sherry Moore Capito (R-VA), Rep. Kevin Hahn (R-Oklahoma) and Rep. Mike Thompson (D-California) The policy required to redeem CMS, which introduced legislation in March to create coding and payments.

Why it matters: This category is not clearly defined, but is believed to be FDA-approved. Three Dozen Digital Therapies For treating chronic conditions such as ADHD, back pain, schizophrenia, and insomnia.

Given the limitations of existing drug therapies, the companies argue that there are good reasons to promote this innovation.

even so: Potential buyers say they want to see more data.

“We shouldn’t start changing healthcare systems and payments based on evidence that doesn’t exist yet,” said John Taurus, director of the Digital Psychiatry Division at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. “I don’t think we’ve found any solid evidence to that level yet.”




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