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Personalized PSA Levels May Improve Prostate Cancer Screening | News Center

Personalized PSA Levels May Improve Prostate Cancer Screening | News Center


Personalized PSA

Researchers have identified 128 sites in the genome that can influence a person’s intrinsic PSA levels. They developed a method to calculate PSA that takes into account an individual’s normal genetic variation at these sites (known as the PSA polygenic score).

“A polygenic score is a quantitative way of summarizing a person’s genetic predisposition to a trait with a single value,” says Kachuri. In this case, the characteristic is a higher baseline PSA level.

The researchers then evaluated the PSA polygenic score based on data from another group of approximately 32,000 men without prostate cancer. The researchers found that this score could predict nearly 10% of the variation in his PSA levels, but was much more effective in men of European descent than in men of East Asian or African descent. Did.

When the researchers applied the score to data from a group that included men with and without biopsy-confirmed prostate cancer, they found that about 30% of men could have avoided a biopsy. found.

Adjusting for PSA levels specifically improved detection of more aggressive prostate cancers, but the benefit was significant only in men of European descent.

“It’s these aggressive cases that we’re really worried about, so the fact that we’ve been able to demonstrate that gene-tuned PSA can predict more aggressive disease is very encouraging.” said Katsuri.

improve score

Conversely, adjusted PSA levels would miss approximately 9% of positive biopsies. Most of these overlooked cases are slow-growing tumors and may not require treatment, but misclassification indicates room for improving scores.

The polygenic score was developed primarily using data from European men, so the team is now working with a research institute in the United States on a large-scale study. Million Veteran Programwhich would include more males from diverse ancestral populations.

“Ideally, we would like to devise a single score that is suitable for everyone, across different ancestry,” Kathurri said.

As prevalent as prostate cancer, the disease causes 1 in 9 American men to be diagnosed with prostate cancer and 1 in 40 to die from it. Even small improvements in screening can save lives.

“Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men in the United States,” Witte said. “Despite its high survival rate, prostate cancer is so common that it is the second leading cause of cancer death in men in this country.”

University of California, San Francisco; National Cancer Institute; Vanderbilt University Medical Center; Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center; Christus Santa Rosa Medical Center Hospital; Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center; Researchers from Permanente Northern California, University of California Southern California and the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai also contributed to the study.

This study was funded by the National Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute (grant R01CA241410).




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