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What Runners Need to Know About the Ozempic

What Runners Need to Know About the Ozempic


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Diabetes drug Ozempic and similar prescription weight management drugs such as Wegobee have seen millions of mentions on social media, ranging from rumors of celebrities taking Ozempic to dramatically lose weight. It is the subject of many discussions. And this topic means that more and more people are taking off the label for the sole purpose of potentially losing weight, whether it’s necessary or not.

The focus on weight loss can be problematic for those with eating disorders or those who feel pressured by their weight, a high percentage of runners. The drug’s renewed emphasis on weight loss may undo the advances in anti-diet and body acceptance movements of recent years, which may be triggering weight-worrying people. There is, says Evelyn Tribor, M.S., R.D. , a registered dietitian in private practice in Newport Beach, CA.

“I’ve seen rhetoric about using these drugs because diets don’t work, so these drugs tapped into that rhetoric,” she says. “If you’re really interested in your health, why should you consume something that could be harmful to your long-term health?”

This injectable drug works by mimicking the action of the insulin-producing hormone GLP-1, but by slowing the movement of the digestive tract, it makes the body feel less hungry. People taking the drug say they rarely feel hungry and cannot finish large meals. The buzz around drugs has led to drug shortages for those who actually need them, and is a major concern for diabetics in particular. It can also be very expensive at over $1,000 per month.

These drugs can cause severe side effects, ranging from nausea and vomiting to severe inflammation requiring hospitalization. But there are additional considerations for runners to consider before starting medication, says Dr. Abissola Olrade, family medicine physician at Sharp Healthcare in San Diego. This is because drugs like Wegovy are intended for weight management in individuals with body composition-related health complications.

Some athletes rely on prescription drugs to keep their weight under control, which is why experts say it's dangerous.
Two ampoules, one clear and one brown, are placed in a square frame with a white back.

She says anyone considering using the drug should check with their doctor.

For starters, the drug actually mimics the effects running is already having on the body, Orrado said. Running increases GLP-1, increases insulin secretion, and lowers blood sugar levels.

“For people who exercise regularly, they have a lower resistance to GLP, which can lead to hypoglycemia,” she says. “Because this drug has similar effects, running while taking Ozempic may cause excessive hypoglycemia. could be.”

Another effect, she says, is that taking the pill can make you feel less hungry, which could mean you don’t get enough fuel before and after your run.

“Because of their decreased appetite, they may not be getting enough energy from food, and their hydration status is also at risk,” she says. “That means you can become dehydrated, which is another risk we see with this product.”

Besides the direct effects of drugs, there are also side effects to consider, such as acute kidney injury and possible pancreatitis, which are exacerbated by dehydration.

“Then the abdominal pain and accompanying diarrhea can get worse,” says Orrado. “So if you’re not drinking enough fluids and your stools are loose, you could be seriously dehydrated, and that can be a problem too.”

These issues can lead to electrolyte imbalances and a potential increase in heart rate, she added.

A spokesperson for Novo Nordisk, the Danish company that makes Ozempick and Wegoby, said the company does not “promote, suggest or encourage off-label use of our medicines.”

Allison Schneider said in a statement, “We believe health care providers assess a patient’s individual needs to determine which medications are appropriate for that patient.” She said these drugs have proven long-term safety in clinical trials and have been associated with nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, abdominal pain, headache, malaise, upset stomach, dizziness, bloating, belching, gas, and gastrointestinal symptoms. He added that there are common side effects such as burning and heartburn. .

Olrade said runners can take medications like Ozempic if needed, on the advice of a doctor.

“Still precautions are needed: make sure you’re hydrated, make sure you’re eating, and make sure you recognize that you should remember feeling hungry, even if there are no signs of hunger. “How much are you eating?” ‘ she says. “Depending on what you’re doing, it’s enough to refuel your workout.”

If you are talking about taking Ozempic or Wegoby, be sure to tell your doctor that you are a runner. Doctors may prescribe lower doses, Orrado said.

“You might want to try a lower dose first and see how they respond,” she says.

Tribor, who also qualified for the first women’s Olympic marathon for the United States in 1984, says she doesn’t recommend runners take drugs to lose weight.

“If you’re taking it on purpose to lose weight, I think there’s a real problem. It’s not known enough,” she says. “If you’re a diabetic and a runner and it improves your blood sugar, of course, I have no problem with that. If you’re taking it for weight loss, I think it really matters.” .”

Running already masks signs of hunger for at least a few hours, Tribole said, so combining it with Ozempic could be particularly problematic as it can lead to malnutrition injuries. For female runners, symptoms such as Relative Energy Deficiency Syndrome occur.

“When you’re training hard, you’re already temporarily feeling less hungry, but now you’re adding something else to it,” she says.

She worries that the topic of the drug and how it helps you lose weight could lead to an increase in eating disorders and entice runners who don’t need to lose weight to try it. . Despite these concerns, Orrado said the drugs are likely to continue to grow in popularity, and more people will ask their doctors about them as they gain more attention through celebrities and social media. .“Some people call me every day with requests and questions,” she says. “So we clearly need to do more about educating people about this and reminding them that nutrition is important too.”

These drugs are intended to be taken in conjunction with dietary changes and exercise, she said.“They are allowed to be used in conjunction with overall nutrition and exercise,” she says. “They should not be used alone. They should be a multi-targeted approach.”




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