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Severe insomnia may increase risk by 50%

Severe insomnia may increase risk by 50%


A woman is looking at her mobile phone in bed.Share on Pinterest
Having trouble sleeping may increase the risk of stroke.Aja Koska/Getty Images
  • New research suggests that having insomnia may increase the risk of stroke as an older adult.
  • The study used data collected from over 30,000 participants over 18 years.
  • This study is one of the only studies to examine this specific relationship, and appears to be the first to focus on the American public.

new research, Published in a research journal neurologywas found to have symptoms of insomnia It can greatly increase the risk of stroke, especially if you are under the age of 50.

I’m Dogo Sawa, an AS doctor. One of the study’s authors, a professor at Virginia Commonwealth University, said the link between insomnia and stroke risk lies in a broader understanding of how insomnia can lead to other conditions. said to do.

“Symptoms of insomnia may increase the risk of diabetes, such as hypertension and dyslipidemia, and these symptoms, if known, are potential risk factors for stroke. You can consider gender [between stroke and insomnia] It’s there,” said Sawadogo.

The study extracted data from: Health and Retirement Research, a dataset with access to 31,126 people with a wide range of lived experiences. The data collected ranged from 2002 to 2020, the average age of the participant was 61 years, and the average duration of follow-up for participants was 9 years. Of more than 30,000 participants, 2,101 strokes were reported.

Study participants were classified into nine groups for analysis based on self-reported insomnia symptoms.

On this scale, each new symptom means a 7% increase in stroke risk.

People with five to six insomnia symptoms were up to 51% more likely to have a stroke during the study period.

Dr. Joanna FifiThe vice-president of the Society of Neurosurgeons and a physician and professor at Mount Sinai University said the study’s increased risk for people under the age of 50 makes sense for her, who treats stroke patients as part of her practice. said that She states that the difference in this data is Comorbidities Older people, like young people, tend to manage their own health perceptions.

“The incidence of stroke increases with age, and the incidence of insomnia also increases with age. Therefore, in adults, it may be difficult to work out the link between insomnia and stroke.” .”

Apart from the increased risk, another important finding was that the risk persisted for a longer period of time, suggesting that this interrelated risk is unlikely to resolve alone. Sawadogo says people need to be aware of the different courses of action they can take rather than being silent about their symptoms.

“People who tend to have more symptoms continue to report more severe symptoms over time, so this is another way to highlight the fact that people should be aware of their symptoms and pay attention.” There is no chance that the symptoms will go away if you don’t pay or care.” “

A questionnaire describing the data used asked participants how difficult it was to fall asleep and stay asleep, whether they woke up early, and whether they felt their sleep was “restorative.”

Fifi says patients tend to talk to her about their sleep levels and sleep disturbances, but that may be because they’re already talking to her about their overall neurological function. Sleep, she said, is considered more formal. risk factors for stroke This means understanding sleep as part of a broader care team for people at risk, especially those with primary insomnia.

“I usually ask people to look at the PCP first. primary care doctor. From there, you will be referred to a sleep specialist. At that point, you will be considering medication. ”

Ajiji Seishas The Associate Director of the Center for Translational Sleep and Circadian Sciences at the University of Miami also emphasizes the need to communicate with the care team. But much of the value that comes from such research, he says, is how it can aid in further diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

“What this allows us to do is find a more customized and personalized risk profile of who is at greater risk for a particular health condition. Sleeping disorder or their [sleep] Lack of duration, efficiency, lack of satisfaction, or lack of rest. And to see which of those profiles, or sleep risk profiles, are detrimental to your health. ”

Fifi notes that despite the limitations already mentioned in this study, such as how reliance on self-reported symptoms leads to challenges, the study now contributes in terms of symptom impact. We believe it will add to an important body of research. Lack of sleep. She said her stroke could become a heavy topic in her health as she ages, but there are also some positives to be learned from this new information.

“I think there are bright spots. insomnia cure Therefore, it may reduce the risk of stroke. ”

This is just advice suggesting that the study authors are all at VCU and may be able to move forward. In their words, “raising awareness and managing the symptoms of insomnia may contribute to stroke prevention.”

Mr. Seisius, on the other hand, is more outspoken.

“We live in a culture where sleep deprivation and the ability to be productive without too much sleep are respected. Unfortunately, something sinister may be waiting for you, such as a stroke, if you don’t deal with yours. sleep problems




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