Scientists may have discovered the key to slowing the aging process
Scientists think that the discovery of a previously unknown genetic code may have revealed the secret to slowing the aging process.
From preventing wrinkles to keeping your body healthy as you age, you need to brake how fast you are aging.
But researchers believe they have made important discoveries in their efforts to live longer and healthier lives.
A team of scientists from the University of Edinburgh and the Max Planck Institute for Aging Biology in Germany have revealed a link between high iron levels in the blood and the aging process.
Using genetic data from over a million people, researchers have sought to discover why some people age at different rates.
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The team identified 10 regions of the genome, the complete collection of genes that make up the organism, linked to three measurements. Life length-life expectancy, years of disease-free life-healthy life expectancy, and very longevity-life expectancy.
Investigation resultAnnounced today Journal Nature Communications, A set of iron-related genes was found to be most commonly found when looking at all three measures of aging.
High levels of iron in the blood have been linked to age-related conditions such as Parkinson’s disease and liver disease, making it difficult for the body to fight infections.
Therefore, the researchers concluded that maintaining healthy levels of iron in the blood is key to improving aging and living longer.
“We strongly suggest that these findings suggest that high levels of iron in the blood reduce healthy years of life and that suppressing these levels can prevent age-related damage. I’m excited,” explains Dr. Paul Timmers of the University of Edinburgh.
“As we age, our bodies slowly decline over time, eventually developing fatal illnesses such as heart disease, dementia, and cancer.
“But the process varies from person to person.”
Researchers also believe that the results of their research may reveal a link between certain diet- and age-related illnesses.
“Our findings on iron metabolism may begin to explain why very high levels of red meat in the diet are associated with age-related conditions such as heart disease.” I guess there is no,” Dr. Timmers continues.
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The authors of the study believe that their work will help accelerate the development of drugs that reduce age-related diseases, prolong healthy lifespan, and increase the likelihood of disease-free survival to old age.
“Our ultimate goal is to discover how aging is regulated and find ways to improve health during aging,” explained Dr. Joris Diren of the Max Planck Institute for Senescence Biology. doing.
The ultimate hope is that their findings may lead to drugs that mimic the effects of iron-regulated genes and may be a step towards overcoming some of the effects of aging.
But before letting go of the anti-wrinkle cream in the hope, the team noted that there are still many things to do before humans have the opportunity to delay aging.
“All ten genomic regions we have discovered related to longevity, healthy lifespan, and longevity are exciting candidates for future work,” Dr. Diren added.
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This study follows further research which suggests that Generation X is likely to be a health hazard for years More than today’s old baby boomers in their 60s and early 70s.
And earlier this year scientists discovered it Wealthy people can be expected to live a “healthy” life on average for 8-9 years.Compared to the less wealthy people.
This study, published in the Journal of Gerontology, investigated the length of time an adult can expect to live a life without disabilities, rather than just life expectancy.
We find that the greatest socio-economic advantage in terms of life expectancy without disability is wealth.
Not just wealth Researchers also believe that being kind helps you live longer.
Dr. Kelly Harding of Columbia University in New York believes that showing compassion lowers blood pressure and improves the immune system.
Additional reports SWNS.
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