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Four times a week, LA County recorded COVID-19 hospitalization: is there a new shutdown first?


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Eric Garcetti
Mayor Eric Garcetti. Photo

Los Angeles County reported a record number of COVID-19 patients in a regional hospital for the fourth time in the past week, but health officials said recently that those who did not adhere to social distance and other infection control measures. Blamed the surge in.

And a report released on Tuesday showed that new “home” orders might come for Los Angeles.

According to the County Public Health Service, Monday’s coronavirus caused 2,232 hospitalizations from a record 2,216 on Sunday. Health officials said that 26% of those patients were receiving intensive care.

Hospitalizations do not include Pasadena and Long Beach, which have their own medical departments.

The county announced an additional nine deaths from the virus, one of which was previously reported by the Pasadena health authorities. Deaths announced by the county are often lower on Mondays due to late reporting on weekends. Long Beach announced another death on Monday.

New deaths increased to 4,105 across the county.

An additional 3,160 were confirmed by the county, raising the overall total to 159,260 from the pandemic outbreak. After that, 188 cases were added on Monday at Long Beach and 27 cases were added at Pasadena.

According to an article in the Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti is considering a new closure with home orders similar to the policies enacted earlier this year. Although no final decision has been made yet, authorities are reviewing the data to make a decision. If ordered, Los Angeles will become the largest city in the United States and will re-issue the at-home order.

Barbara Ferrer, the county’s director of public health, said average daily positivity rates for people who had been tested for viruses over the past seven days were around 8 percent, higher than the state’s 7.2 percent.

Health and elected officials, especially the mayor of Los Angeles Eric Garcetti, said that the region was on the verge of returning to strict home orders, which could mean more extensive business closures and restrictions on public activity. Warning.

County officials said Monday that it was clear how to avoid such movements-wearing face covers in public places, physical distance practice, avoiding public gatherings and parties and family gatherings, Warning about ensuring proper hygiene such as hand washing.

Barbara Ferrer, County Public Health Director, gave a detailed presentation on contact tracking efforts on Monday. This will help track where the patient is infected and prevent future spread to those who may have been exposed to quarantine. However, she said, the “purity” of the disease epidemic in the community does not stop the spread of the virus by contact tracing alone.

“It’s easy to identify the biggest driver of the surge we are experiencing today,” she said. “People are interacting with each other and they are not following recommended precautions. Contact tracing does not solve it. We know people are tired and they are frustrated. And, for many of you, you know you’re scared.

“But the best and most aggressive action we have at our disposal to control the spread of this virus is proper and consistent use of face coverings and physical distance and hand hygiene. We know it is a combination.” “This is a community effort. We have the power to delay the catastrophic spread of this virus.”

She said contact tracing would play a key role in the county’s efforts to anticipate the spread of infection and reach potentially unknowingly infected people. Ferrer said the county has allocated $10 million to work with local organizations to ensure that residents have access to services and support when they need to be isolated or in isolation.

The county has also begun offering a $20 gift card as an incentive for people who test positive for the virus to participate in the contact tracing interview process. This is a one-hour process that Ferrer admitted that can be stressful, and people need to look into the calendar and work. A schedule to identify their movements in the last few weeks.

Ferrer County also said the county has established a call center where coronavirus-positive patients can be called to connect with available resources. — 833-540-0473 — With people under quarantine orders She said the county is also starting to use text messaging to stay in touch and check their condition.

“Our hope is that positive and intimate individuals will work with public health to avoid the spread of the virus through better communication and the use of additional support,” she said.

Late last week, public health officials said a rare but serious and potentially fatal inflammatory syndrome believed to be associated with coronaviruses is currently being identified in 15 children in Los Angeles County. Seventy-three percent of children are Latino Americans, representing an undue burden on ethnic groups. Latino residents are the largest ethnic group in LA County, accounting for about half of the county residents.

According to the Los Angeles Times, about 70% of cases of inflammatory syndrome were Latino or black patients nationwide.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome, or MIS-C, in children can cause inflammation in various parts of the body, including the heart, lungs, kidneys, brain, skin, eyes, or gastrointestinal organs. If there is prevention. Symptoms include fever, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, neck pain, rash, red eyes, and tiredness.

This syndrome is also called childhood inflammatory multisystem syndrome, or PIMS.

According to the CDC, most children developed MIS-C about two to four weeks after being infected with the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. No one who has experienced this syndrome has died in Los Angeles County. However, this syndrome is potentially fatal.

As of July 15, the CDC received reports of 342 cases and 6 deaths associated with inflammatory syndrome, the Times reports. Of them, at least 99 cases and two dead were in New York.

In LA County, the median age of experiencing this condition was eight years, with 40% being under five, according to health officials. Another 40% was between 6 and 12. The remaining 20% ​​was between 13 and 20.

Last week, Governor Gavin Newsom ordered various companies to stop working indoors, including fitness centers and personal care services such as nail salons and barbers.

Monday’s Newsom revealed that his intention in the directive was to always allow companies such as hairdressers and barbers to operate outdoors, but he said the process was “more challenging than expected. It turned out to be.” He said the state issued an updated operational guideline this week to allow outdoor operations in such companies.

But he also stressed the need to keep people as home as possible and not mixed with people outside their own homes.

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