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Viagra may reduce men's risk of Alzheimer's disease by 18%

Viagra may reduce men's risk of Alzheimer's disease by 18%


Taking erectile dysfunction drugs like Viagra may reduce your risk of developing Alzheimer's disease by nearly 20%.

A new report has been published in the magazine neurology The health status of 269,725 men diagnosed with erectile dysfunction was investigated. mayo clinic It is described as the inability to get or maintain an erection strong enough for sex.

Men who were prescribed drugs such as Viagra for erectile dysfunction were 18% less likely to develop progressive dementia. BBC explained In the analysis of research.

“We found evidence that PDE5I initiation is associated with reduced risk of Alzheimer's disease compared to non-users,” the study authors wrote. PDE5I stands for phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor, which is Viagra's class of drugs.

The ubiquitous blue pill was not originally created to treat erectile dysfunction. Its active ingredient, sildenafil, is designed to treat high blood pressure. CNN elaborated in the history of medicine.

Viagra bottle.

John Chapple/Getty

However, “the discovery of phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors (PDE5 inhibitors), which cause penile erection, was by chance and was noticed as a side effect while being administered to investigate their ability to treat hypertension and angina pectoris.” The National Library of Medicine explained.

But while men who take erectile dysfunction drugs apparently have a lower risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, it's not clear why, and the report's authors urge them to suggest further research on the topic.

“This study justifies further research into the pathophysiological effects and neuroprotection of PDE5I,” the report said, adding that future studies should include both men and women. .

“(If drugs can cross the blood-brain barrier) they may exert therapeutic effects by directly affecting neurons and/or increasing blood flow, but both of these hypotheses need to be tested. “Yes,” said neurophysiologist Francesco Tamanini, Ph.D. The University of Reading told the BBC.

of mayo clinic It is estimated that Alzheimer's disease affects 6.5 million people in the United States over the age of 65, with more than 70% of those over the age of 75. Progressive brain damage is the most common symptom. dementia.

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Alzheimer's disease Dementia is estimated to be the cause of up to 70% of the 55 million people with dementia worldwide.of National Institute on Aging They say the cause may be “a combination of age-related changes in the brain and genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors.”

And even though there is no cure for this disease, new medicineRequembi, was approved by the FDA last summer, promising to slow the progression of the disease if taken while it's still in its mild early stages.

“Alzheimer's disease immeasurably disables the lives of those who suffer from it.” billy dunn saidM.D., Director, Office of Neuroscience, FDA Center for Drug Evaluation and Research,” and [it] It has a devastating effect on our loved ones. ”

And as the lead author, neurology In the report, Dr. Ruth Brauer told the BBC about the potential impact of erectile dysfunction drugs on the development of Alzheimer's disease, “We hope to confirm these findings and find out more about the potential benefits and mechanisms of these drugs.” “Further research is needed to learn and determine optimal dosing.”




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