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Overvaccination appears not to cause adverse health effects

Overvaccination appears not to cause adverse health effects


Recent case report inside lancet infection The medical journal evaluated a 62-year-old German man who received 217 COVID-19 vaccinations over a 29-month period. Fortunately, this person did not seem to have any ill effects after receiving so many vaccines. Generalizations cannot be made from a single patient to a population. However, this is not the first time that some people have shown no serious side effects after receiving multiple doses of the vaccine.

Although it is difficult to determine the long-term effects of multiple vaccinations, military scientists have released the following report. study In 2004, we evaluated the long-term effects of multiple vaccines. Their study included 155 multiply vaccinated people working in a laboratory and compared them to 265 controls. MIPs received a median of 154 vaccines or skin tests (range 24-354) over a median of 17.3 years. Study subjects completed a self-report questionnaire and provided blood and urine samples for laboratory testing. This report was preceded by three other papers of his. These papers are based on evaluations of a group of hypervaccinated laboratory personnel over a 25-year period. The study found no disease, clinical symptoms, or long-term effects from multiple vaccinations. A paper published in 2004 extended the study period for an additional 20 to 25 years in highly vaccinated populations.

Why did lab workers receive so many vaccines?

Fort Detrick, an Army base in Maryland, was the center of the United States' offensive biological weapons program from 1943 to 1969. Defense planning continues there to this day. Pathogens that have been developed or are considered biological weapons threats are dangerous and potentially lethal. Many people working on them in the lab became infected through on-the-job exposure. Over the years, the military has developed a number of specialized vaccines to protect against deadly diseases.

For decades, people working in specialized containment laboratories have received multiple vaccinations as a way to protect themselves from the pathogens being studied. Vaccines, many of which were not available elsewhere, are now available to researchers at other government and university labs. Overall, the program used 38 different vaccines and skin tests to prevent transmission of deadly diseases such as plague, tularemia, anthrax, botulism, brucellosis, and Venezuelan equine encephalitis. Many of the vaccines have not yet been licensed, but were administered as investigational new drugs with appropriate informed consent.

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What did the research find?

Although some MIPs had minor laboratory abnormalities, there were no significant differences in self-reported diseases between MIPs and controls, including arthritis, hypertension, cancer, diabetes, ulcers, asthma, and thyroid disease. It was not approved. MIP subjects were more likely to believe that their health was poorer than the control group. However, the difference between groups was not statistically significant. Factors thought to be associated with poorer health include more years of smoking, older age, and fewer years of education.

Among various questions regarding signs and symptoms such as memory loss, muscle and joint pain, headaches, sleep disturbances, tremors, fever, and rash, the MIP group showed statistical significance compared to the control group. There was only an increase in fatigue. However, fatigue was not associated with laboratory abnormalities or increased vaccine doses. Overall, none of the factors the researchers assessed explained whether someone considered themselves more or less healthy.

The 2004 study was retrospective, meaning it evaluated participants' exposure retrospectively. Ideally, we would like to move forward in a positive way, including people and their risks. In any case, a study of laboratory workers and three previous reports provide data demonstrating that there are no adverse effects of multiple vaccinations.

This report may not be welcome news for those trying to spread the word. false alarm About vaccines. However, this does not come as a surprise and serves to confirm that there are no adverse effects on individuals who have received 217 doses of his Covid-19 vaccine. That being said, I don't recommend volunteering to be a human pincushion and getting more vaccines than necessary. In fact, the authors of this case report on a German man who was overvaccinated and state at the end of their paper: “Importantly, we do not advocate overvaccination as a strategy to enhance adaptive immunity.” For me, that's secondary. Based on the data obtained during vaccine development, vaccination schedules are proposed to optimize immune protection. Exceeding the normal vaccination schedule without a valid reason is unnecessary and discouraged.




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