Smoking may contribute to increased abdominal fat
- Many people do not quit smoking because they are afraid of gaining weight.
- The reason you gain weight after quitting smoking is because nicotine suppresses your appetite.
- However, new research shows that smoking can also contribute to weight gain.
- In particular, it increases unhealthy visceral fat.
- You can avoid weight gain after quitting smoking by making lifestyle changes.
There are many possibilities for quitting smoking
Even if you want to quit, many people find it difficult to quit because they are worried about gaining weight.
However, new research suggests that
The study found that abdominal fat can increase both when you start smoking and when you've been a lifelong smoker.
This is especially true of visceral fat, which is fat buried in the abdomen. This type of fat is associated with heart disease, stroke, dementia,Diabetes mellitus.
So, while quitting smoking may cause you to gain weight in the short term, in the long term, if you don't quit, you may gain weight. belly fat and puts your health at greater risk.
To study this question, researchers at the NNF Center for Basic Metabolic Research at the University of Copenhagen used two large-scale European ancestry studies.
These studies included 1.2 million people who started smoking and more than 450,000 people who were lifetime smokers.
The researchers also body fat Distribution data for studies involving more than 600,000 people.
They used a technique called “Mendelian randomization” to find out whether smoking causes an increase in body fat.
This statistical analysis method provides scientists with genetic evidence that a particular behavior is actually causing the observed effect.
They first looked at genetic studies to see which genes were associated with smoking and body fat distribution. They were then able to use this information to see if people with genes associated with smoking also had different body fat distributions.
They also tried to rule out other factors that may have influenced the results, such as alcohol consumption, risk-taking behavior, ADHD, and socio-economic status.
Lauren MahesliRDN, LD, in The Pediatric Dietitian, discussed the relationship between smoking and various metabolic disorders. high cholesterolinsulin resistance, hypertension, and type 2 diabetes — well known.
“The mechanism of this connection is not fully understood, but it is likely that
“These metabolic disorders are the link between smoking and increased visceral fat,” she said.
Mahesri also noted that although the study controlled for certain behavioral factors, alcohol consumptionexercise, dietary intake — smoking, unbalanced diet, sedentary lifestyle All of these can contribute to the formation of visceral fat.
jesse dickinson,RD,from naji healthfurther states: nicotine Cigarette cholesterol levels are directly correlated with cholesterol levels.
“Smoking can raise LDL cholesterol levels (bad cholesterol) and lower HDL cholesterol levels (good cholesterol),” she added. Visceral fat It is directly associated with high total and LDL cholesterol, low HDL cholesterol, insulin resistance, and metabolic syndrome.
“Overall, most findings suggest that we need to focus on increased visceral fat (central obesity), insulin resistance, and associated disease risk in smokers,” she said. Ta.
Of course, quitting smoking is important in the short term. related With slight weight gain.Several months after people disappeared tobacco With use, you can gain about 5 to 10 pounds.
Mahreshi says this happens because smoking can physically and behaviorally suppress appetite.
“The nicotine in cigarettes increases satiety hormones in the body, physically reducing the feeling of hunger,” she observed.
“Similarly, the hand-to-mouth act of smoking can behaviorally reduce appetite by restricting boring or stressful eating.”
“Both of these things can lead people to continue smoking because they're afraid they'll gain weight if they quit,” Mahesri says.
“The major factor in prevention is Weight gain after quitting smoking It's about finding alternative coping mechanisms other than food,” Mahesri said, explaining that people often turn to food for everything they used to rely on smoking, such as relaxation and relief from boredom and stress. did.
“You can avoid consuming too many calories by finding other coping mechanisms, such as hobbies or exercise,” she says.
Dickinson added that it's also important to make lifestyle changes around eating a balanced diet, exercising and finding social support.
She recommends programs like the one her clinic offers that also look at stress management. sleep qualityand management of behavioral risk factors such as alcohol consumption.
“Quiting smoking is the best step a person can take to improve their overall health,” she concluded.
Many people avoid smoking for fear of gaining weight.
However, a new study has found evidence that smoking itself may contribute to weight gain over time.
Smoking was associated with increased abdominal fat, especially unhealthy visceral fat, which is associated with risk of heart disease, stroke, dementia, and diabetes.
Experts say weight gain after quitting can be avoided by finding non-food alternatives to deal with the emotions you were previously trying to quell.
Lifestyle changes such as diet, exercise, social support, stress management, sleep, and alcohol control can also help.
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