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20 Best High-Protein, Low-Fat Foods Approved by Nutritionists

20 Best High-Protein, Low-Fat Foods Approved by Nutritionists


Protein is an important macronutrient For muscle building and appetite control, two important factors in weight maintenance. Fat also affects your weight because this macronutrient slows digestion and helps keep you feeling full between meals. but, Fat has high calories per gram Better than protein and carbohydrates. Fat has 9 calories per gram, while protein and carbohydrates have 4 calories per gram.

When trying to lose weight, it doesn't all come down to calories in vs. calories out; You need a calorie deficit to reach your goals. However, macronutrients do not exist in isolation; most foods contain multiple nutrients. Many high-protein foods also contain fat and carbohydrates. So choosing the right foods can be difficult for people who want to increase their protein intake without eating too much fat.That said, there are four Types of dietary fat: Saturated, trans, monosaturated, polyunsaturated. Consuming too much of the first two may increase your risk of heart disease, while the latter may reduce your risk of heart disease.

Luckily, this list compiles the best high-protein foods that are low in fat, especially saturated fat. We'll also take a look at the benefits of afternoon and evening exercise and how it can help with your weight and fitness goals.

1. Low-fat cottage cheese

1/2 cup of low-fat cottage cheese provides:

  • protein: 13g
  • fat: <3g
  • Saturated fat: <2g

Cottage cheese doesn't contain much saturated fat and is rich and creamy. “I love it topped with fruit and seeds, on top of toast or whole-wheat English muffins, mixed into smoothie or pancake batter, mixed into scrambled eggs for extra fluff, or just eating them on their own,” he says. says. Mandy Enright, MS, RDworkplace health management dietitian, author 30 Minute Weight Loss Cookbook: 100+ Easy Recipes for Sustainable Weight Loss. If you're looking for a way to enjoy cottage cheese, give this a try. Starbucks spinach and mushroom egg bite imitations or Cottage cheese snack jar (with fruit).

2. Shrimp

One serving (3 ounces) of raw shrimp provides:

  • protein: 17g
  • fat: <1g
  • Saturated fat: 0g

“Shrimp is popular for enjoying in shrimp cocktails and as a great protein choice for stir-fries and sheet pan dishes,” says Enright. She likes to store it in the freezer because it thaws in about 15 minutes and can be quickly added to any meal.our Stir-fried green beans, eggplant and shrimp and sheet pan shrimp fried rice Make a great healthy dinner.

3. Pork tenderloin

One serving (4 ounces) of raw pork tenderloin provides:

  • protein: 24g
  • fat: 2g
  • Saturated fat: <1g

“Did you know that pork tenderloin is just as lean as a skinless, boneless chicken breast?” Enright asks. Pork tenderloin is easy to make on a can grill it please, Please cook slowly or cram Makes a great low-fat dinner.

4. Skinless, boneless chicken breast

One 4-ounce serving of raw, skinless, boneless chicken breast provides:

  • protein: 25g
  • fat: 3g
  • Saturated fat: <1g

A staple in most kitchens, skinless, boneless chicken breasts are versatile, readily available, and very low in's a healthy addition pasta or saladand it stands alone as a major protein. delicious marsala food.Cook and use in large quantities leftovers All week long.

5. Chickpeas

One cup of canned, drained chickpeas provides the following benefits:

  • protein: 11g
  • fat: 4g
  • Saturated fat: <1g

“Chickpeas are an excellent plant-based protein that is readily available and affordable,” he says. Alyssa Smolen, MS, RDN, CDN.Her favorite way to use this discreet pulse is with plant-based Chickpea salad sandwich. They are also Zucchini and chickpea veggie burger with tahini ranch sauce or Chole (chickpea curry).

6. White fish

One serving (4 ounces) of raw tilapia provides:

  • protein: 23g
  • fat: 2g
  • Saturated fat: <1g

White flaky fish like tilapia and mahi mahi are very lean and extremely versatile. It cooks quickly and is a great protein for meals. Hearty tomato soup or seafood tacos.

7. Peas

One cup of raw peas provides the following benefits:

  • protein: 8g
  • fat: <1g
  • Saturated fat: 0g

Dried or frozen peas are a hardy legume that is slightly sweet and starchy.they add vegetable protein casserole or grain bowlAnd they attract attention in a simple way. pea soup,

8. Fat-free Greek yogurt

1/2 cup of non-fat Greek yogurt:

  • protein: 13g
  • fat: <1g
  • Saturated fat: 0g

Nonfat Greek yogurt is made from skim milk, but it's rich, creamy, and rich in protein. “Adding nonfat Greek yogurt to your smoothie, adding it to your morning oatmeal, or topping it with berries and enjoying it as a snack are all easy ways to pack a protein punch into your day.” Katie Hadley, MS, RDN, IFMCP, CPT, nutritionist, personal trainer, and founder of Holistic Health and Wellness in Richmond, VA.enjoying lemon blueberry overnight oats It's like having dessert for breakfast.

9. Black beans

One cup of cooked black beans provides the following benefits:

  • protein: 15g
  • fat: 1g
  • Saturated fat: 0g

“Beans are one of my favorite low-fat protein sources because they're naturally rich in fiber, which is great for gut health and appetite regulation, and they're much more affordable than meat. ” says Hadley.Black beans are a welcome addition to recipes such as veggie fajitas, Cheese beef and black bean skillet casserole and slow cooker sweet potato and black bean chili.


1/2 cup of shelled edamame provides the following benefits:

  • protein: 9g
  • fat: 5g
  • Saturated fat: <1g

Edamame is rich in calcium and protein.Buy the frozen version and use this Spicy garlic instant noodles with edamame and red pepper As a plate or topping salad or your own version ofKhums

11. I'm Milk

One cup of soy milk provides the following benefits:

  • protein: 8g
  • fat: 5g
  • Saturated fat: <1g

If you don't mind dairy products, protein-rich soy milk is a great alternative.Please use it with plenty of protein. chia pudding or various nutritious ones drink.

12. Black Eyed Peas

1/2 cup of cooked black-eyed peas provides:

  • protein: 5g
  • fat: 0g
  • Saturated fat: 0g

This less common bean is rich in protein and fiber, which can help you feel fuller.Goes well with black peas salad, stew And dip.

13. I insist

One serving (3 ounces) of Seitan provides:

  • protein: 15g
  • fat: <1g
  • Saturated fat: 0 g

i insist It is a textured wheat product that is rich in gluten and rich in protein.In such dishes it reproduces the texture of meat Seitan BBQ Sandwich or Stir-fried crispy seitan.

14. Skim milk

1 cup of skim milk has the following benefits:

  • protein: 8g
  • fat: 0g
  • Saturated fat: 0g

Many people tend to forget that milk is a natural protein-rich drink that contains many other essential vitamins and minerals. plus, Ideal for hydration It's so versatile that you can use it for baking, soups, dressings, smoothies, oatmeal, and more.

15. Eggs

One large egg provides the following benefits:

  • protein: 6g
  • fat: 5g
  • Saturated fat: 2g

egg It is an excellent source of protein and vitamin D, which are essential for overall health.Whisk the batch boiled eggs in air fryer Make this as a delicious snack or full of veggies Eggs Benedict with mushrooms and spinach or Egg, chickpea and spinach with tomato sauce For weekend brunch.

16. Tofu

1/2 cup of tofu has the following benefits:

  • protein: 22 grams
  • fat: 11g
  • Saturated fat: <2g

Tofu may seem like it's high in fat, but it has a 2:1 protein to fat ratio and is even lower in saturated fat. Tofu is a plant-based protein that many people rely on. “Because it's a fermented food, it contains probiotics and takes on the flavor of any seasoning,” Smolen added. Tofu can be used for soup, scramble And even more dessert.

17. Peanut butter powder

Two tablespoons of peanut butter powder provides the following benefits:

  • protein: 5g
  • fat: <2g
  • Saturated fat:

Peanut butter powder has all the flavor of peanut butter without the fat. For reference, regular creamy peanut butter contains about 16 grams per 2 tablespoons. It's naturally rich in protein and adds to the sweet goodness. chocolate peanut butter protein ice cream or dark chocolate peanut butter truffles.

18. Quinoa

One cup of cooked quinoa provides the following benefits:

  • protein: 8g
  • fat: 4g
  • Saturated fat: <1g

Quinoa It's a nutty protein-rich whole grain that's also high in fiber. These two nutrients help increase satiety. Using quinoa you can increase the content of these two nutrients. Lasagna, salad or risotto.

19. Turkey breast

One serving (4 ounces) of raw turkey breast provides:

  • protein: 27g
  • fat: 2g
  • Saturated fat: <1g

Turkey breast is a simple, lean dinner staple that's perfect for making leftovers.Cook in the airfryer or try this easy method Herb roasted turkey breast with garlic recipe.

20. Tuna

One 3-ounce can of drained tuna provides the following benefits:

  • protein: 22g
  • fat: <1g
  • Saturated fat: 0g

Although tuna is considered a fatty fish, omega 3 fatty acids, everyone's favorite canned fish is actually low in saturated fat while being rich in protein.Enjoy classic comfort using tuna tuna melt or change the base Burger.

Recommended intakes of macronutrients

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that adults get 10-35% of their total calories from protein, approximately 45-60% of their calories from carbohydrates, and 20-30% of their calories from fat. I am.


If you want to lose weight or keep it off, these high-protein, low-fat foods can help you reach your goals. Foods like beans, legumes, legumes, poultry, and fish round out this list of the 20 best high-protein foods. Luckily, there are endless ways to enjoy these foods in delicious ways.




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