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Oral cancer screening 'could save lives'

Oral cancer screening 'could save lives'


April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month

Contact: Steven Lee, 210-450-3823; [email protected]
Content contributed by Kristen Zapata

San Antonio, April 23, 2024 – The causes of oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancer are: 58,000 According to the Oral Cancer Foundation, new cancer cases occur every year in the United States alone. Early detection is key to successful treatment, so in addition to focusing on clean teeth and fresh breath, make sure to have regular dental checkups.

April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month, and dentists can play an important role in detecting oral cancer in its early stages, greatly increasing a patient's chances of surviving oral cancer.

What and how?

Oral cancer can affect any part of the mouth, including the lips, tongue, cheeks, floor of the mouth, hard palate, soft palate, and gums.

“Risk factors for developing oral cancer include cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, hookah, and betel nut,” he said. Tiffany Tavares, DDS, DMScClinical Assistant Professor of Oral Medicine University of Texas Health Science Center School of Dentistry at San Antonio (UT Health San Antonio). “Alcohol consumption is another risk factor, as is a chronically weakened immune system and a history of cancer or a family history of cancer.”

Stock photo of a glass of alcohol and a pile of cigarettes.Professor Tavares said radiation exposure to the head and neck is linked not only to certain diseases such as oral lichen planus, a chronic inflammatory disease, and contact with certain strains of human papillomavirus (also known as HPV), but also to oral cancer. He said that this is one risk factor. sexually transmitted diseases.

“The outside of the lip is also susceptible to cancer, and the main risk factor is sun exposure,” she says.

It is important to realize that oral cancer can occur in people who have no known risk factors.

Signs and early detection

“General dentists and registered dental hygienists are in a unique position when it comes to oral cancer screening because they see the majority of dental patients,” he said. Brian Secrist, DDSDentist at UT Dental General Dental Clinic.

Dentist performs an oral examination of a patient sitting in a dental chair.
Brian Secrist, DDS, performs an oral exam on a patient at UT Dentistry.

During a routine dental checkup, a dental professional performs a comprehensive examination of each patient's mouth, including a visual examination of the oral tissues. They are trained to recognize early signs and symptoms of oral cancer, such as lesions, chronic sore throat or hoarseness, difficulty chewing or swallowing, swelling or numbness in the mouth or jaw. Secrist said this training is carried out throughout dentists' and dental hygienists' careers through continuing education courses.

One of the key indicators of oral cancer is the presence of lesions, which are areas of abnormal tissue.

Most canker sores are harmless and often heal within a week or two, but dentists should be very careful with canker sores that last more than two weeks. These lesions may appear as red or white spots, ulcers, lumps, or tissue thickening inside the mouth.

“In my opinion, it is essential that both hygienists and dentists perform head and neck cancer screening tests during routine dental cleanings,” Secrist said. “Although it is not painful, it is essential in assessing the overall health of each patient's teeth. If something in your mouth is suspicious, you may want to come back for a follow-up appointment in two to four weeks or visit our dentist here at UT Dentistry. Immediate referral to the oral medicine team or further investigation is required.”

personal recognition

It is equally important for individuals to understand how to lower their risk of developing oral cancer.

Dentist and patient talking after examination.“To lower your risk of developing oral cancer, practice all forms of smoking cessation, avoid alcohol consumption, and adopt a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables,” Tavares said. “To reduce your risk of lip cancer, avoid sun exposure, wear lip balm with SPF protection, and wear a hat when in the sun.”

By partnering with your dentist to provide regular oral care and staying alert to changes in your health, patients can protect themselves from oral cancer and take proactive steps to ensure early detection and treatment if needed. We are taking measures.

“The test only takes a minute or two and can save lives,” Secrist said.

visit UT Dental General Dental Clinic Schedule your dental appointment today online or by calling 210-567-6453.

University of Texas San Antonio Health Science Center (UT Health San Antonio) is one of the nation's leading health science universities and is designated as a Hispanic-serving institution by the U.S. Department of Education. With a mission of education, research, patient care, and community engagement, the Schools of Medicine, Nursing, Dentistry, Health Professions, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, and Public Health lead change, advance our fields, and serve our patients. We have graduated over 42,550 graduates who are bringing new hope. With their families in South Texas and around the world. To learn more about the many ways we make lives better, please visit:

The UT Health San Antonio Faculty of Dentistry We offer 18 degrees and programs in both dentistry and dental hygiene, with world-renowned faculty educators, a diverse student population, state-of-the-art clinical facilities, and an outstanding research enterprise. Clinical areas include general dentistry, developmental dentistry, endodontics, periodontics, and oral and maxillofacial surgery. Scientists collaborate with clinicians and research teams around the world to discover new treatments across multiple medical and dental fields and advance knowledge about oral health, biomaterials, cancer, pain, and more. . If you would like to learn more please visit:

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