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Blood test predicts knee osteoarthritis eight years before obvious signs of the disease appear

Blood test predicts knee osteoarthritis eight years before obvious signs of the disease appear


Duke Health researchers report that a blood test can successfully predict knee osteoarthritis at least eight years before obvious signs of the disease appear on x-rays. .

In a study published April 26 in the journal scientific progress, researchers tested the accuracy of a blood test to identify key biomarkers of osteoarthritis. They showed that it predicts the onset of the disease and its progression. This was demonstrated in their earlier studies.

This study advances the usefulness of blood tests over current diagnostic tools, which often fail to identify diseases until they cause structural damage to the joints.

At this time, abnormal X-rays must be taken to show clear evidence of knee osteoarthritis. By the time it shows up on x-rays, the disease has been progressing for some time. What our blood tests show is that we can detect this disease much earlier than current diagnostic methods. ”

Virginia Byers Krauss, MD; senior writer, Professor of Medicine, Pathology, and Orthopedics, Duke University School of Medicine

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis, afflicting an estimated 35 million adults in the United States and causing significant economic and social impacts. There is currently no cure, but the success of potential new treatments depends on identifying the disease early and slowing its progression before it becomes debilitating.

Kraus and colleagues have focused on developing molecular biomarkers that can be used both for clinical diagnostic purposes and as research tools to support the development of effective drugs. In previous studies, blood biomarker tests demonstrated 74% accuracy in predicting knee OA progression and 85% accuracy in diagnosing knee OA.

The current study further refined the predictive power of the test. Researchers used a large UK database to analyze serum from 200 white women. Half were diagnosed with OA and the other half were not diagnosed with OA and were matched for BMI and age.

They found that a small number of biomarkers in blood tests were successful in distinguishing women with knee OA from those without, and that OA's molecular signals can be detected eight years before many women are diagnosed with the disease on an X-ray. It was discovered that the .

“This is important because it provides more evidence of joint abnormalities that can be detected by blood biomarkers long before OA can be detected with X-rays,” Kraus said. “Early stages of osteoarthritis may provide an 'opportunity' to halt disease progression and restore joint health.”

In addition to Krause, study authors include Shuming Sun, Alexander Reed, Erik J. Soderblom, M Arthur Moseley, Kaile Zhou, Vaibhav Jain, Nigel Arden, and Yi-Ju Li. Masu.

This study received funding from the National Institutes of Health (R01-AR071450 and P30-AG028716).


Reference magazines:

Klaus, V.B. other. (2024) Pathophysiological continuum of osteoarthritis revealed by molecular biomarkers. Science progresses.




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