Colorectal Cancer: A Sneaky Cancer | News, Sports, Jobs
Research from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), based in Bethesda, Maryland, notes that colorectal cancer is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer in the United States for both men and women.
The American Cancer Society predicts there will be about 107,000 cases this year, with the majority affecting men. The NIH states that 9% of cancer-related deaths are due to colorectal cancer.
illness and
Possible cause
Research doctors and scientists at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, say colorectal cancer, or colon cancer, is a growth of cells that begins in the part of the large intestine called the colon. The colon is the first and longest part of the body's large intestine. The large intestine is the last part of the digestive system. The digestive system breaks down food so that it can be used by the body.
Colon cancer usually occurs in older people, but it can occur at any age. It usually begins as small clusters of cells called polyps that form in the colon. Polyps are generally not cancerous. However, over time, it can turn into cancer.
Mayo Clinic researchers said: “Colon cancer occurs when a change occurs in the DNA of colon cells. A cell's DNA contains instructions that tell the cell what to do, such as grow quickly. This change can lead to better health. cells can continue to live even when other cells die as part of their natural life cycle.
Mayo's research report continued: “This process can cause cells to develop in excess. They can form clumps called tumors. The cells can invade and destroy healthy body tissue. Over time, The cells can slough off and spread to other parts of the body. When cancer spreads, it is called metastatic cancer.
The Mayo report concluded: “Polyps often do not cause symptoms. This is why doctors recommend regular screening tests for polyps in the colon. Finding and removing polyps can prevent colon cancer. It can be prevented.”
who is at risk
A study conducted by the American Cancer Society earlier this year found that the incidence of colorectal cancer is increasing significantly in people in their 20s, 30s, and 40s, but decreasing in people over 65. .
Research from the Yale Cancer Center in Connecticut points out that colorectal cancer tends to be more aggressive in younger adults and often occurs at an advanced stage. The Yale study added that since the 1990s, colorectal cancer among young adults has increased at a rate of 2 percent each year.
Data from John Hopkins Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland, show that colorectal cancer incidence tends to be higher in people over age 50. The American Cancer Society states that the incidence of colorectal cancer is higher in men than in women.
John Hopkins and the American Cancer Society both list the following genetic and lifestyle factors that may increase your risk of colorectal cancer:
• Family history of the disease.
• Sedentary lifestyle (low physical activity)
• Being overweight or obese.
• Low fiber, high fat diet.
• Diabetic patients
• Excessive alcohol intake
• smoking
• Your ethnic background.
• Gastrointestinal diseases such as Crohn's, irritable bowel syndrome, and ulcerative colitis.
• Although not fully verified, environmental and geographic concerns are very likely.
The American Cancer Society found that the colorectal cancer mortality rate in Michigan is approximately 17% for men and 11% for women, regardless of age or ethnicity.
The American Cancer Society further investigated state-by-state colorectal screening rates for people over 45, all genders, and ethnicities, and found that California was the lowest in the nation at 53%, while Massachusetts and the District of Columbia were the highest at 70%. One thing became clear. Michigan's rate is 66%.
General detection
and treatment
It is important to consult your primary care physician or colon (gastroenterologist) specialist. In addition, home tests can also be used to detect cancerous DNA in stool (a waste product in the body), which the study shows has a 92% success rate.but “Gold Standard” This involves having a colonoscopy, which examines the entire colon with a small camera inserted into the rectum.
The NIH and other cancer treatment guidance organizations have commented that treatment depends on the size, location, and size of the cancerous area. Treatment includes surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and drug therapies such as immunotherapy.
• National Institutes of Health –
• American Cancer Society –
• Michigan Department of Health and Human Services –
• American Association of Colorectal Surgeons –
• Your primary care physician or county health department.
Jeffrey D. Brasie is a retired healthcare CEO. He frequently writes historical features and editorials for various Michigan newspapers. As a Vietnam-era veteran, he served in the U.S. Navy and U.S. Naval Reserve. He served on the public relations staff for the Secretary of the Navy. He grew up near the tip of Mitt and lives in the Detroit suburbs.
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