Swiss scientists develop alcohol gel
Clinical relevance: Swiss researchers have developed a protein gel that converts alcohol into harmless acetic acid in the digestive system.
- This gel prevents the intoxication and harmful effects of alcohol before it enters the bloodstream.
- Studies in mice showed significant reductions in blood alcohol levels and liver damage.
- The gel is made from whey protein, iron, glucose, and gold, which causes a multi-step enzymatic reaction.
You probably won't be joining a 12-step program, but a team of Swiss researchers… protein gel It helps the body synthesize alcohol By being broken down in the digestive system.
Researchers from ETH Zurich in Zurich, Switzerland publish paper in academic journal natural nanotechnologyThis gel, at least in mice, is designed to “quickly, efficiently and directly remove alcohol from non-toxic acetic acid before alcohol enters the bloodstream, where it can cause intoxication or harmful effects.” It claims to convert it into.
Breaking the destructive path of alcohol
It is well-documented that alcohol normally enters the bloodstream through the mucosal lining of the stomach and intestinal tract, where it causes damage.
- In the short term, concentration is disrupted and reaction time is impaired.
- In the long term, it can cause major damage to the liver and gastrointestinal tract, increasing the risk of cancer.
According to , in the United States alone, alcohol-related deaths have increased by more than 29% over the past decade. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The World Health Organization (WHO) claims that alcohol use contributes to 3 million deaths each year, and it accounts for 5.3% of deaths.
“The gel transfers the breakdown of alcohol from the liver to the gastrointestinal tract. In contrast to when alcohol is metabolized in the liver, harmful acetaldehyde is not produced as an intermediate product,” says ETH Zurich Food and Soft Materials. Professor Raffaele Mezzenga of the institute explained in a press release.
Acetaldehyde is a toxin that is responsible for multiple health problems caused by excessive alcohol consumption.
In theory, consumers could take the gel orally before or during ingestion to prevent blood alcohol levels from rising, thereby preventing acetaldehyde from damaging the body. In contrast to so-called “hangover cures” already on the market, the researchers claim that the gel targets the causes of drunkenness, rather than the symptoms.
Nevertheless, the Swiss scientists explain that “the gel is only effective while alcohol remains in the gastrointestinal tract.” As a result, the gel becomes less effective when alcohol enters the bloodstream. And it certainly doesn't address the addiction that leads to overconsumption.
“It's healthier to not drink alcohol at all,” Mezzenga added. “But this gel could be of particular interest for people who don't want to give up alcohol completely, but don't want to put a strain on their body and aren't actively seeking the effects of alcohol.”
The researchers tested the gel's effects by administering the gel to mice that had been given a single dose of alcohol, rather than to mice that had been given alcohol for 10 days.
After 30 minutes, “prophylactic application of the gel reduced alcohol levels in the mice by 40 percent.” After five hours, their blood alcohol levels had dropped by more than 55 percent.
The research team noticed less acetaldehyde buildup, less damage to the liver, and increased overall blood values.
In mice given alcohol for 10 days, the researchers not only found lower alcohol levels, but also a sustained therapeutic effect of the gel. Mice given the gel daily in addition to alcohol lost significantly less weight. There is less damage to the liver, fat metabolism in the liver is improved, and blood values are also improved. ”
simple materials
Researchers made the gel using everyday whey protein. After boiling the protein into long, thin fibrils, the researchers added salt and water, which served as a solvent to convert the fibrils into a gel. But they lacked a catalyst.
“We soaked the fibrils in a steel bath, so to speak, so that they could effectively react with alcohol and convert it into acetic acid,” explained ETH researcher Jiaqi Su, lead author of the study.
The researchers then utilized hydrogen peroxide produced by an upstream reaction between glucose and gold nanoparticles to trigger the necessary reactions.
Scientists focused on gold, which causes hydrogen peroxide, because gold is indigestible. This is because gold “has a longer-lasting effect in the gastrointestinal tract.”
The researchers took all three substances – iron, glucose, and gold – and processed them into a gel. As a result, “a multistep enzymatic reaction occurs, ultimately converting the alcohol to acetic acid.”
Of course, the researchers have already applied for a patent, but have acknowledged that regulators will require further clinical trials.
Patients with alcohol use disorder with depression and anxiety symptoms
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