Pregnant mother fears her and her baby will die
Pregnant mothers fear that she and her fetus will die after discovering that a previous C-section scar began to spread inside the stomach.
Am McNally said she began crying when doctors told her that she could be life-threatening.
“We can still die and the scar tissue is so bad that we may have too much bleeding. Daily record.
Anne, 36, who cleans her school, will have a fifth child in November.
However, a scar on the front of the C section opens into her stomach, endangering both her and the baby.
Anne is already the mother of Jack, 18-year-old, Macy, 10-year-old, and 4-year-old twins James and Millie, and her four previous babies were all born in an emergency C section.
Ann from Liverpool, Merseyside said: “I started crying as soon as I heard my wound open. It was really scary.
“I was afraid because the doctor said it could be life-threatening for me and my baby.
“It was overwhelming, especially because no one could come with me because of Covid-19 when I was alone at the time of booking.
“It’s possible that the wound will be completely open, I’m dead, my baby’s dead, or two of us, but I don’t want to think about it.
“Now I’m doing it every single day and trying not to move too much. This is very difficult for four children, including twin toddlers.”
Anne was surprised to learn that she was pregnant in February 2020, even though she had been taking birth control pills regularly since she was born.
She and her baby father couldn’t believe it, but were excited for their new siblings of children when Anne suddenly started bleeding on April 12.
Frightened, they went to a doctor who found the baby to be healthy, but there was a surprising amount of liquid in his stomach.
Further testing revealed that Ann suffered from silent scar dehiscence-a uterine scar from her last emergency C-section was open to her interior.
Because Anne’s placenta is now in the lower part of the uterus, doctors warned that it could move into the opening of the scar and cause placental disease.
The scar opening is growing during pregnancy and the current measurement is 8 cm.
If it remains open, Anne’s newborn baby can move into her stomach, potentially killing both her and her child.
Pregnant mothers now have a scan every 4 weeks as doctors monitor her progress and track the rate of her open wounds to protect her and her baby.
Anne tries to stay positive and try to move as little as possible, but finds it difficult to book her own, especially for a pandemic.
She said: “I’m still scared, especially when the wounds open and I feel pain.
“The doctor took me as much as possible unless the wound was completely open and hopefully everything will work.
“Because the scars are open, we can’t go to maturity, so we book early.
“We can still both die, and my scar tissue is so bad that we can basically bleed and die, so we can bleed too much.”
“I always feel sick and it wasn’t good for my baby or me, so I’m trying to stay positive.
“The pandemic made it all 10x worse, because I didn’t have a baby dad there to help me and I had to do everything myself.
“I want to do my best to my baby, so I have to take it every day. I do my best and do everything I can to care for both of us.”
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