Family gatherings where black bear meat was eaten caused brain worms: CDC
Six relatives infected Brain worm According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a family member died after eating meat from a captured black bear.
The CDC said in a May 23 agency report that the cases occurred during a nine-member extended family gathering in South Dakota and in northern Saskatchewan, Canada, where a family member ate grilled skewers of black bear meat with vegetables that had been caught in May 2022. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.
Several people ate the meat, then realized it was undercooked and cooked some more. ReportsWritten by the CDC and state health officials.
Six days later, a family member, a 29-year-old man, was admitted to hospital with symptoms including fever, severe muscle pain, swelling around the eyes, and high numbers of eosinophils (white blood cells that support the immune system).
During his second hospitalization, medical personnel learned about his consumption of bear meat. AlbendazoleIt is used to treat trichinellosis, a disease caused by infection with a microscopic parasitic roundworm.
The bear meat was frozen, and while some Trichinella species are killed by freezing, others can withstand freezing. If infected meat is ingested, the larvae can develop and produce more parasites.
The parasite can travel through the body and reach the heart and brain.which can cause inflammation of the heart muscle and brain, where cysts can form and lead to seizures.
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Six infected with roundworms at family gathering
According to the CDC, symptoms of trichinosis include abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.
But some people who are infected with the parasite never experience any symptoms, infectious disease specialist Dr Celine Gunder recently told CNN. “CBS Mornings” interview. Gunder added that normally these parasites “are sequestered and calcified by the immune system.” CBS News The CDC report was first reported.
After the Minnesota Department of Health launched an investigation, researchers found that the outbreak involved six people, four who had eaten meat and two who had eaten only vegetables, ranging in age from 12 to 62 and living in Minnesota, Arizona and South Dakota, according to the report.
Two additional people with symptoms were hospitalized and treated with albendazole, according to the CDC.
How can eating bear meat give you brain worms?
Black bears are likely carriers of roundworms. Up to 24 percent of black bears in Canada and Alaska may be infected, the CDC says. The bear meat was tested and found to contain Trichinella spiralis, a type of roundworm that is freeze-resistant.
Still, reported cases of trichinosis are rare, with the CDC recording just seven outbreaks and 35 suspected and confirmed cases from January 2016 to December 2022. In the majority of these outbreaks, the confirmed or suspected source of infection was bear meat, according to the CDC.
Bear meat must be cooked to an internal temperature of at least 165 degrees to kill parasites. Parasite-infected meat can cross-contaminate other foods, so raw meat should be stored and cooked separately, officials said.
Brain worms have been doing the following lately: The New York Times Many years ago, a doctor discovered Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has a dead bug in his brain.
Contributors: With Emily DeLetter Eric Lagatta.Follow Mike Snider on X and Threads: Mike Snyder & Mike Gsnyder.
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