A closer look at children's brains may reveal differences between sex and gender, new study says
In everyday conversation, sex and gender are often confused or equated, with most American adults believe A person's sex is determined by the sex they were assigned at birth, but a new study of nearly 5,000 9- and 10-year-olds has found that sex and gender are mapped to nearly separate parts of the brain.
The study authors said the research offers the first insight into how sex and gender may have “measurable and unique effects” on the brain, just as other experiences have been shown to shape the brain.
“If we want to understand the brain better in the future, we need to look at men and women separately,” says neuroscientist Dr Elvisha Damala. Assistant Professor a professor of psychiatry at the Feinstein Institute for Medical Research and Zucker Hillside Hospital in Glen Oaks, California, and co-author of the study published Friday in the journal Science Advances.
Researchers in the new study defined sex as what a child was assigned at birth. In the United States, clinicians make this assignment based on genitalia. Most people are assigned as either female or male, according to the study, and the rest are intersex — people whose sexual or reproductive anatomy does not fit into the male/female binary.
The researchers defined gender as an individual's attitudes, feelings, behaviors, and socially constructed roles. They specifically noted that gender is not binary, meaning that not all people identify as female or male.
Both sex and gender are central to the human experience and key to how people perceive others and understand themselves, and both can influence behavior and health, the study authors say.
The researchers looked at brain imaging data from 4,757 children aged 9 and 10 in the United States: 2,315 who were identified as female at birth and 2,442 who were identified as male. Adolescent Brain and Cognitive Development (ABCD) ResearchABCD is the largest longitudinal study of brain development and child health in the U.S. Over the course of 10 years, children who participated in the ABCD study underwent comprehensive neuroimaging, behavioral, developmental, and psychiatric evaluations.
In addition to MRIs and other tests, the scientists conducted gender-focused surveys of the children and their parents, both at the start of the study and a year later. Children were asked how they expressed their gender and how they felt about it. Parents were asked about their children's gender-specific behaviors during play and how they viewed their children's gender identity. Gender identity disorderA term used by mental health professionals to describe clinically significant distress felt when one's gender identity does not match the sex assigned at birth.
Parents are an important part of this research, said study co-author Dani S. Bassett, PhD, professor in the departments of Bioengineering, Electrical and Systems Engineering, Physics and Astronomy, and Neurology and Psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania.
“When a child exhibits a particular type of gender behavior or gender expression, it influences how parents, other caregivers, friends, family, etc. interact with the child,” Bassett said. Information about how parents perceive their child's gender gives researchers a better understanding of children's social environment and how it affects children's brain development.
The authors used a type of artificial intelligence called machine learning to build a model that could predict a child's gender and report the gender from brain scans. When the researchers looked at the children's brain scans, they seemed to show that gender influences different areas of the brain involved in visual processing, sensory processing, and motor control, as well as some areas involved in executive functions that allow individuals to organize and integrate information over time.
Gender appears to affect some of the networks specialized for gender-related sensations, but it also has broader effects that can be detected in different brain networks involved in executive functions such as attention, social cognition, and emotion processing.
“The fact that we can capture how gender maps onto the brain basically tells us that gender influences the brain,” Damala said.
The structure of the human brain is shaped by expertise and experience. the study London taxi drivers, who must undergo extensive testing to prove they can navigate the city without maps or GPS, seem to show that they have significantly larger posterior hippocampi – the part of the brain involved in spatial memory and navigation – than non-cabbers.
“Similarly, as individuals and as human beings, we are experts on ourselves and our gender, so it makes sense that gender would also be mapped in our brains,” Damala said.
The new study cannot predict what gender a person will identify as beyond the limited snapshot in time recorded by a scan or survey. The authors note that gender is not necessarily static, and people's perceptions of their own gender can change throughout their lives.
The study cannot determine what it is about a person's environment that influences brain function in terms of sex or gender, nor can it pinpoint what a person's sexual orientation is.
“Sexual orientation has nothing to do with gender or sex,” Bassett said, and may be mapped differently in the brain.
The researchers say they hope to one day learn more about how sex and gender interact in people's lives and how they affect each other and the brain throughout their lives, and they also hope to learn how different cultures influence a person's sex and brain development.
a 2022 Voting Polls show that most American adults, and a majority of conservatives, believe that a person's gender is determined by the sex they were assigned at birth. Gender-affirming careHealth care for people who identify as a different gender than the one they were assigned at birth. Conservative politicians Record number of bans Such consideration, and Nearly half Several states in the United States have enacted laws banning gender-affirming care for minors.
The study did not examine whether sex or gender was congruent or incongruent for any of the study participants. Rather, it examined children's binary sex and gender through self-report and parent-report measures. As for whether sex and gender were incongruent, the study could not provide specific findings.
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“We hope that this study will encourage other scientists to consider science and gender when analyzing data collection in their programs and studies,” said study co-author Psychiatry At Rutgers University.
The field of neuroscience is only just beginning to acknowledge and address biases and barriers to inclusivity in research, Holmes said.
A deeper understanding of how the brain works from the perspective of sex and gender could also have practical implications, helping scientists find better ways to treat people with brain-related illnesses. For example, the study noted that people classified as male at birth are more likely to be diagnosed with substance use and attention deficit disorder.
“Sex and gender don't necessarily drive disease incidence, but the culture people grow up in also influences their likelihood of developing certain diseases,” Holmes says. “So the types of environmental pressures that children experience as they develop may increase or decrease their risk of disease, independent of their early brain biology.”
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