Australian researchers give peanut powder to allergic babies. Why? | Australian News
Australia Highest childhood food allergy rates in the worldPeanut allergies alone affect 3 in 100 children by the age of 1.
The risk of a life-threatening allergic reaction (known as anaphylaxis) makes it important to avoid allergens or ensure prompt treatment, which can be worrying for children and parents.
Wednesday, Federal Government Announcement Funding treatment nationwide A program called Adapt Infants under 12 months who have a peanut allergy are given peanut powder daily. Advice for parents of children with food allergies: Avoid allergens completely.
Infants taking part in the program will be closely monitored by allergists, and the researchers stress that exposure therapy should not be attempted if a child is not participating in the trial.
Paediatric allergist and program leader Professor Kirsten Perrett spoke to Guardian Australia about how treatment for peanut allergies in children is evolving.
Why are researchers exposing babies to these triggers?
Prof Perret, who is also director of the National Centre for Allergy Research at Murdoch Children's Research Institute, said a child's immune system develops rapidly in the first few years of life.
previous Through research, gradually Adding small amounts of peanut powder to the diet of children ages 1 to 3 (known as oral immunotherapy) has been shown to reduce allergy symptoms in most children.
One-fifth of patients achieved remission, defined as being able to eat 1.5 tablespoons of peanut butter without reaction six months after treatment ended.
Perrett said the younger a child is, the more likely they are to achieve remission, which is why at Adapt, which focuses on exposure therapy, “we aim to start treatment as soon as possible after a diagnosis, so we really have the best chance of changing that child's trajectory.”
“This must be done in a medically supervised programme under the supervision of the hospital's allergy team… If it is not done according to a carefully planned dosing schedule, there are risks such as anaphylaxis.”
Is there any way to prevent food allergies?
Australian Infant Guidelines It is recommended that by the time babies reach 12 months of age, even those at high risk for allergies, they should be exposed to common allergens such as peanut butter, well-cooked eggs, dairy products and wheat products about twice a week.
Pregnant women should also consume these foods and, unless they are allergic, should continue to consume them while breastfeeding.
It's not known how much of foods like peanut butter or eggs a woman should eat during pregnancy to protect her baby, but Associate Professor Debbie PalmerIn partnership with Telethon Kids Institute, Conducting research to this.
Perrett said if a parent is allergic to a particular food, a caregiver without allergies can feed that food to the infant when appropriate.
Why are childhood allergy rates so high in Australia?
There is Growing evidence points to an increase in food allergies Of the several countries, Australia has the highest proportion. Highest rates of food allergies in children.
Research is ongoing into why this is the case, including whether changing environmental factors, changes in diet, the types of infections people are exposed to during childhood, reduced exposure to beneficial bacteria due to good hygiene, or certain vitamin deficiencies may be involved.
“In our study, we identified several risk factors for allergies, so we know that delays in feeding infants or introducing cooked eggs and peanuts may increase their risk of these food allergies,” Perret said.
“We know that people who are allowed to have dogs in the home or who live in rural areas have a reduced risk of food allergies.
“In Australia, environmental factors associated with modern lifestyles may contribute to an increased risk of food allergy, and research is ongoing investigating the role of hygiene practices, sun exposure, lack of regular vitamin D supplementation and exposure to other environmental stimuli.”
How can we involve children in research?
Dr Lara Ford, allergist at Westmead Children's Hospital and programme lead, said: “One of the biggest concerns for families with peanut allergies is the fear of accidental exposure, and this programme has the potential to lift that burden.”
However, although the program is free, it isn't suitable for all children: eligible babies are referred to Adapt by their allergist. from one of the 10 children's hospitals involved.
We hope that more hospitals and private allergy clinics will adopt this program.
At the National Allergy Center, Allergy Research Directory Listing trials and cohort studies currently recruiting or ongoing
The center also Clinical Trial Network in early 2024 Fast track new trials to improve access to the latest prevention options and treatments.
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