New study predicts surge in cancer cases among men by 2050
a New Research A paper published in the Cancer Journal predicts an alarming increase in cancer cases and deaths among men worldwide. The study predicts an 84% increase in cancer cases and a 93% increase in cancer deaths among men by 2050, highlighting the need for aggressive measures to curb this trend. The study highlights several modifiable risk factors that men and their families can address to reduce their future cancer rates.
The study, conducted by researchers using data from the World Cancer Observatory, analyzed more than 30 types of cancer in 185 countries. They found that men are more likely to die from cancer than women, in part due to higher rates of smoking and alcohol use, and lower participation in cancer prevention activities and screening. The cancer that is expected to increase the most is mesothelioma, a type of lung cancer. Deaths from prostate cancer are estimated to be even higher.
Men often put their health on the back burner, but the findings are a stark reminder that taking proactive steps now can make a big difference.
“Men often put their health on the back burner, but these findings are a stark reminder that taking proactive steps now can make a big difference.” Dr. B. Lee Greena researcher at Moffitt Cancer Center who focuses on education, knowledge and awareness of cancer health disparities, particularly among minority groups. “At Moffitt, we are committed to providing men with the knowledge and resources they need to take control of their health, because prevention and early detection reduce risk, which is key to saving lives.”
Green emphasizes the importance of addressing modifiable risk factors to reduce your risk of cancer, including:
- smoking: Smoking has been identified as a major risk factor, responsible for approximately 20% of all cancer cases and 30% of cancer deaths. Smoking cessation is the most effective way to reduce cancer risk.
- Alcohol Intake: Excessive alcohol consumption is associated with many types of cancer, so reducing your alcohol intake can significantly reduce your cancer risk.
- Obesity and physical inactivity: Maintaining a healthy weight and being physically active are essential for cancer prevention. Obesity is increasingly recognized as a major cancer risk factor, rivaling smoking.
- diet: A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables and dietary fiber and low in red and processed meats can help reduce your risk of cancer.
- Infection: Vaccinations against viruses such as HPV and Hepatitis B, which are associated with certain cancers, are an important preventive measure.
While adopting a healthy lifestyle is essential to preventing cancer, the study also revealed significant disparities in access to health care, which can lead to missed tests and delayed diagnoses. These disparities are particularly pronounced in low-income communities, where access to preventive services and treatment is often limited.
Moffitt has several programs in place to mitigate disparities and educate the community about cancer treatment and prevention. Office of Community Outreach, Engagement and Equity We are partnering with local organizations to provide educational workshops and screening resources, including colonoscopy and skin cancer screening. The Cancer Center is also expanding its telehealth services to reach patients in remote areas and those who have difficulty traveling to the center for follow-up visits.
Another key focus at Moffitt is addressing disparities through research. In 2017, the cancer center George Edgecombe Society It aims to ensure equal health outcomes and eliminate cancer health disparities among Black and African-Americans. Since then, the organization has raised more than $2 million for this cause.
“While great strides have been made in cancer treatment, screening, diagnosis and prevention over the past few decades, progress has lagged in Black/African American communities, who continue to experience higher rates of cancer incidence and mortality,” said Green. “This study, which predicts a continued increase in the number of cancer cases in men by 2050, is a call to action for us all. While the statistics are alarming, they remind us that we can change this trajectory through efforts in prevention, early detection and reducing and eliminating cancer disparities among different populations.”
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