Weegoby reduces COVID-19 mortality in obese patients: study
(Bloomberg) Novo Nordisk A/S's Wegovy reduced deaths and illnesses from COVID-19 in large studies conducted during the pandemic, further evidence that the blockbuster vaccine has benefits beyond weight loss.
The findings, published Friday in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, provide a more detailed analysis of Novo's largest clinical trial of Wegovi, called Select. When the pandemic began, the study had already enrolled more than 17,600 people with obesity, which is now known to be a risk factor for severe COVID-19 and heart disease.
While insurance companies and lawmakers criticize the prices of weight-loss treatments, Novo and Eli Lilly & Co., maker of a rival drug called Zepbound, is trying to prove its expensive drug offers broad benefits that merit coverage by insurers and government health plans. Results of a Select survey last year showed that Wegobee patients 20% lower were more likely to suffer a heart attack or stroke than those who took a placebo, Opening the door Expanded insurance coverage. It is not yet entirely clear what effect the drug has had on coronavirus patients.
The study “highlights a relationship between obesity and COVID-19 severity,” said Barry Popkin, a professor of nutrition at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's Gillings School of Global Public Health, who was not involved in the study. “Whether this is related to reduced lung capacity in obese people or some other pathway, such as reduced inflammation, is unclear.”
When the new coronavirus emerged, no one expected that Wegovy, which contains the active ingredient semaglutide, would reduce the number of deaths from the virus that is wreaking havoc around the world. Donna Ryan“The new findings highlight the drug's far-reaching effects on metabolism and inflammation, which are key components of the body's response to infection and other diseases,” said Dr. S. Schneider, professor emeritus at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and co-author of the study.
“This isn't just about weight loss. This isn't just about diabetes,” said Ryan, who served on Novo's Select trial steering committee and has consulted for other drug companies. The drug's effects are “much more far-reaching.”
Lilly has begun investigating the anti-inflammatory effects of Zepbound and plans to study it in conditions such as psoriasis. The market for drugs that control the damage caused by inflammation is one of the world's largest, worth about $100 billion this year.
Obesity and Corona
The link between weight and COVID-19 became clear early on in the pandemic: A 2020 study found that obese people diagnosed with COVID-19 were more than twice as likely to be hospitalized, 74% more likely to require intensive care, and 48% more likely to die than non-obese people. study Popkin led the way.
During the first eight months of the pandemic, about 30% of people hospitalized with COVID-19 were obese. According to the data From the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
About 2.6% of Select study participants who took Vigovy experienced severe COVID-19-related symptoms or died, compared with 3.1% of those who took a placebo. The data did not show that Vigovy prevented COVID-19 infection. About a quarter of study participants reported COVID-19 infection, with similar rates among those taking Vigovy and those taking the placebo.
The reduction in COVID-19 deaths among people who took Wegoby compared with patients who took a placebo also contributed to a lower overall mortality rate in this group, according to the researchers. Novo scientists are still sifting through the data to gain insight into the drug's effectiveness.
Harlan Krumholtz, a professor at Yale University School of Medicine, said in a statement that the findings “highlight the transformative potential of targeting obesity to protect against a wide range of health threats.”
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