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Revealing the deadly effects of endocrine-disrupting chemicals

Revealing the deadly effects of endocrine-disrupting chemicals


My life journey

Before the Industrial Revolution, I lived quietly and without fuss inside a human body, but with each passing day, my dissatisfaction grew.

That's because I almost never succeeded in killing people.

This is because these people were firmly protected by their common mother, the Great Mother Earth, and they lived in accordance with her.

Smoking was not common. In fact, navigators and traders had only just discovered the tobacco leaf at the time, and the leaf was only used by the indigenous tribes of North and South America, continents that had barely been discovered at the time.

Ah, long ago!

Also, the use of pesticides, plasticizers, and other man-made chemicals was unheard of. Men of that time believed that their bodies were sacred, like temples, and that by nourishing them with good food and good mood, they could achieve great things.

They all loved organic farming and used burlap sacks for storage because they were organic and eco-friendly. But wait a minute, back then, organic and eco-friendly were not part of the common vocabulary.

These people use the words in everyday conversation today, but their lives are far removed from the meaning of these words.

After the Industrial Revolution, people began using new chemicals such as plasticizers, personal care products, and food additives.

These environmental chemicals interfere with our endocrine system (EDCs, responsible for the production of hormones). Over time, men began eating fish, eggs, and milk-based products that were actually contaminated with toxic pollutants.

Fast food and packaging became more frequent, which brought a paradigm shift in his lifestyle, and that change made it easier to hit my target.

Now I should also let you know my allies in this war against men: race, age, and epigenetic factors are all on my side.

These risk factors cause me to wreak havoc on their bodies, first in the form of benign prostatic hyperplasia, and then in less benign forms.

However, despite this unprecedented change in his lifestyle as a male Homo sapiens, he was not too concerned about the negative consequences of his life choices.

He had no idea about the “xenobiotics” going on around me – chemicals that are foreign to life and do not occur naturally in living organisms or the environment.

Foreign object — my faithful friend

One fine day I encountered an alien species and they immediately offered friendship, I accepted their offer and the rest is history.

I was happy and enjoyed our friendship, and as time went on, the frequency with which new foreign bodies arrived continued to increase.

Now, working with these foreign bodies, and with the help of colleagues such as the epigenetic regulators HDAC1 and DNMT1, we can make trillions of copies just like me.

My empire was growing in power by leaps and bounds, and I was ready to unleash my wrath upon humanity, using environmental pollutants to increase my transference and aggression.

My Journey from Poverty to Riches

Recently, I was basking in the glory of my success on a sunny afternoon, enjoying a tea party with friends and reading my favorite magazine, Endocrine News, on the Internet.

I read the magazine article and was happy to learn that humans were scared of me.

The scientists wanted to know the secret of my success, and it turned out they had been discovered by one of my colleagues – the one who had uncovered the connection between estrogen receptors and an exogenous chemical.

I am also looking to collaborate with this potential friend, as collaboration with similar endocrine agents may enable rapid transfer to the human body.

Cancer biologists are obsessed with me because I am aggressive and rapidly metastasizing. They are still unaware of the connection between AR and xenobiotics. These scientists feel helpless, and I laugh sadistically, reveling in their helplessness.

They don’t recognize our collaboration with environmental contaminants that increase the metastasis and aggressiveness of my AR+ cells.

My AR worker was confident and asked me if it would increase exponentially, and before I could reply, another worker, HDAC1 and DNMT1, replied.




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