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The number of women giving birth in hospitals has been halved in Nepal


of Coronavirus pandemic Experts warned, as a new study shows that the number of women giving birth in medical facilities in Nepal plummeted during the lockdown.

All surveys and case reports point to the fact that fewer women have babies in hospitals in developing countries due to the disruption of health services as a result of pandemics.

However, evidence from Nepal shows that the number has been cut in half, in the belief that researchers believe it was the first published data.

Paper Lancet global health At nine hospitals throughout Nepal, the number of infants born in hospitals fell by 52.4% on lockdown, according to a statement released Monday.

The study also showed that more stillborn babies were born-from 14 per 1,000 births at the beginning of lockdown to 21 per 1,000 in May.

The study also found that as lockdown progressed, the neonatal mortality rate increased from 13 per 1,000 live births to 40 per 1,000 live births during the study period, leading to more baby deaths. ..

The quality of care is also significantly reduced, especially with fetal heart rate monitoring. Breastfeeding Within 1 hour after birth

Joy Lawn, one of the authors of the study and one of the professors of maternal, reproductive and child health at London Hygiene and Tropical College, said the study shows the impact of the indirect effects of a coronavirus pandemic. He said it was the first published evidence.

“This is hardcore, good data, and shows that in these situations, the number of deliveries in hospital is half that before the pandemic. It’s really true that only half of the deliveries are done in the healthcare facility. It’s catastrophic,” she said.

Other studies have shown the effects of pandemics on childbirth. Preterm births are declining in high-income countries.. In other studies, Baby boom after a pandemic..

The woman didn’t come to the hospital for some reason. They may have been worried about picking up the virus in the hospital, the transport may have been shut down, or they could not afford to go to a medical facility.

Jugmati Tharu, a woman in a stranded community in the Midwestern Nepal who gave birth to one of its research hospitals just prior to the lockdown, tells the researchers: I couldn’t get an ambulance and had to rent an expensive private car. “

Deputy Mayor of the Municipality of Dhangadi Sub-Metropolitan, Susila Bhata, said the study corroborated what she had witnessed in the case.

“In our city, women are afraid to go to the hospital and most give birth at home without a skilled provider. Another reason for giving birth is the lack of an ambulance. We procured three ambulances to improve our referrals.”

Most women will give birth at home, according to Professor Lone. “It’s not like giving birth in the West. You’re climbing a pile of mud cabins and you’re alone. If something goes wrong, you’re stuffed,” she said.

Prior to the lockdown, Nepal was considered a “model” in terms of its record of improving maternal and child health, with one of the major drivers was the increasing proportion of women giving birth in hospitals and healthcare facilities.

Professor Lone said Nepal’s experience is most likely to be reflected in other developing countries. Research shows that during the Ebola outbreak in West Africa in 2014-16, access to important health services such as maternal care and life-saving vaccinations was significantly reduced.

Professor Lorne warned that the effects of these indirect effects could be long-term. “We Ebola That people are not back in a hurry [to health services]”She said.

But after the outbreak, donors were keen to help the three affected countries. Professor Lone said high-income countries focus too much on their problems.

“My concern is that the coronavirus will be hit longer and more severely. High-income countries will be less likely to invest in low-income health care systems,” she said.

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