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10,000 steps per day trend

10,000 steps per day trend
10,000 steps per day trend


The science behind 10,000 steps
Benefits of walking regularly
Alternative fitness recommendations
Personalize your fitness goals
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The universal concept of walking 10,000 steps a day was born in Japan in 1965. Dr. Yoshiro Hatano invented the pedometer and named it “Pedometer.” One might think that this number comes from years of important scientific research. However, it was actually an arbitrary number used to reflect an active lifestyle. As a result of this device, an advertising campaign was planned, which further increased awareness of this concept, which has since become a worldwide phenomenon.1

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Walking 10,000 steps a day starts with a weak foundation, but this health goal doesn't necessarily have to be abandoned. but, efficacy of This number varies depending on the person's health status. For example, for an athlete, walking 10,000 steps may be like a walk in the park without being physically challenging. For less active people, this goal may be comparable to climbing Mount Everest.1

The science behind 10,000 steps

Walking 10,000 steps a day was put to the test by scientists to investigate whether this universal fitness concept has concrete evidence to support it. A study in India and Australia investigated the impact of walking 10,000 steps a day as part of a 100-day workplace-based step challenge.2

Researchers evaluated the impact of this fitness challenge on mental health and well-being, with hypotheses including effects on depression, anxiety, and stress. It was hypothesized that those who completed at least 10,000 steps per day during the assessment period would have better mental state and well-being than those who did not meet the criteria.2

The study of 1,963 participants found that the challenge had a small but consistent impact on all mental health measures, regardless of whether or not they met their 10,000 step goal. We found that taking this challenge improved stress levels by 8.9%, depression symptoms by 7.6%, anxiety by 5%, and happiness by 2.1% from baseline.2

The researchers concluded that there is little research to suggest that reaching 10,000 steps is a magic number for mental health and well-being. However, as this challenge shows, health promotion activities have the potential to improve overall health outcomes.2

Additionally, a Thailand-based study conducted a 12-week pedometer-based physical activity (10,000 steps per day) intervention on mental health and physical health in 35 overweight adults aged 35 to 59 years. The effects on both health were investigated. The researchers measured various factors before and after the 12-week experiment, including body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, body fat percentage, lean body mass, and mood.3

Results from this Thailand-based study showed that people who accumulated 10,000 steps per day had significantly lower total scores for anxiety, depression, fatigue, anger, confusion, and mood disorders compared to baseline. got it. Participants also experienced physical benefits, including significant reductions in weight, BMI, waist circumference, and body fat percentage.3

The study concludes with the beneficial effects of introducing 10,000 steps a day as physical activity, particularly for people with sedentary lifestyles, as exercise reduces stress and improves health. agreed that this provides further support for the general effectiveness of3

Do you really need 10,000 steps to stay healthy? | BBC Global

However, they also point to other studies that have demonstrated the accumulation of 10,000 steps per day as a minimum requirement for physical activity, and as a general goal to improve mental and physical health outcomes. We recommend a goal of 10,000 steps.3

Benefits of walking regularly

Obesity too being overweight These are major global health problems, leading not only to cardiovascular diseases but also to non-communicable diseases. Additionally, there is evidence to suggest that obesity is associated with mental health problems such as depression, low self-esteem, poor health, and body image concerns.3

However, obese people can reduce associated negative effects by reducing mood disorders through dietary management and weight loss, managing stress, increasing self-esteem, and undergoing psychological treatment and exercise.3

There is strong evidence that physical exercise, such as walking, has an impact on mood, including reducing anxiety and depression, and some studies show that overweight/obesity is inversely related to physical activity. .3

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Additionally, physical activity, including light exercise such as walking for less than 150 minutes per week, may protect against the development of depression in the future.3 Evidence also shows that regular walking, even just 4,000 steps, is associated with lower mortality and morbidity.4

Alternative fitness recommendations

The American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association recommend a minimum of 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per day, 5 days per week, or 150 minutes per week.3

These public health guidelines are internationally recognized. They were originally developed to prevent morbidity and mortality, and there is more scientific evidence behind them than an arbitrary 10,000 step goal.3,5

Additionally, the Department of Health and Human Services recommends that most healthy adults set realistic goals, and exercise guidelines include at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity and 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week. It also includes aerobic exercise or a combination of moderate and vigorous exercise. .6

Strength training can also be used as an alternative fitness activity that exercises all major muscle groups twice a week. The aim is to perform one set of exercises for each muscle group. This type of exercise can be performed using weights or resistance levels that are heavy enough to cause muscle fatigue after approximately 12 to 15 repetitions.6

Personalize your fitness goals

The Mayo Clinic recommends setting realistic fitness goals, and a common goal is to get at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day. However, if this is not practical, a few short sessions throughout the day may be sufficient.6

It's also important to consider your personal health, lifestyle, and preferences when setting realistic goals.Start with small amounts of activity, such as 5 minutes a day in the first week, increasing gradually to at least 30 minutes. But it's effective.6

This may or may not mean setting a step goal, but as proven, walking 10,000 steps can do the magic to improve your mental and physical health. It's not a number. Rather, physical activity itself is sufficient to reduce mortality and morbidity.3


While 10,000 steps a day was originally an arbitrary number, there is significant evidence showing the impact of walking on mental and physical health. Walking more by walking 10,000 steps, such as through a walking challenge at work, can lead to improved health outcomes.

However, there's no scientific point in sticking to this number, and depending on your personal fitness level, anything from 4,000 to 10,000 steps or even more can be effective.3


  1. Langley E. Where did the '10,000 steps a day' goal come from? Evening Standard. June 21, 2019. Accessed March 29, 2024.
  2. Hallam KT, Bilsborough S, de Courten M. “Happy Feet'': Assessing the benefits of the 100-day 10,000-step challenge on mental health and well-being. BMC psychiatry. 2018;18(1).doi:10.1186/s12888-018-1609-y
  3. Yuenyongchaiwat K. Effects of 10,000 steps a day on the physical and mental health of overweight participants in a community setting: A pilot study. Brazilian Physical Therapy Journal. 2016;20(4):367-373. doi:10.1590/bjpt-rbf.2014.0160,Vitality%20Score%20Comparison%20to%20Baseline.
  4. Ahmadi MN, Rezende LF, Ferrari G, del Pozo-Cruz B, Lee IM, Stamatakis E. Does the association between daily step count and mortality and cardiovascular disease incidence vary by sedentary time level? Device based cohort study. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 2024;58(5):261-268. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2023-107221
  5. Tudor-Locke C, Craig CL, Brown WJ et al. How many steps per day is enough? For adults. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. 2011;8(1):79. doi:10.1186/1479-5868-8-79
  6. Get started on your path to fitness. Mayo Clinic. March 12, 2024. Accessed March 29, 2024.

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