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Many deaths labeled “cardiac arrest” can be drug OD: a study


Ej Mundell, Healthday Reporter

Many deaths labeled

(HealthDay)-Americans have long known that opioid abuse and death is widespread in the United States. But new reports suggest that the true extent of these tragedy is underestimated.

A study by researchers at the University of California, San Francisco found that one in six people died from a sudden death Among people in San Francisco between 2011 and 2017, it could actually have been caused by a drug ..

This finding “has widespread impact on epidemiological estimates of mortality associated with overdose [deaths]Especially opioid-related mortality.”

In fact, drug-related deaths masquerade as “sudden death of the heart” when San Francisco data is replicated elsewhere, so drug-related deaths are “substantially underestimated” nationwide. The possibility, Tseng’s group said.

Dr. Dr. Dr. Gratter, an emergency physician, agreed that the number of American lives lost due to drug overdose is underestimated. But he believes that handing over the supply of opioid overdose naloxone to the most vulnerable would help control death.

“We need to keep our efforts focused on prevention and treatment for “Including immediate access to naloxone for all who received drug prescriptions,” said Glatter, who works at Lennox Hill Hospital in New York City.

In the new study, UCSF researchers first looked at a post-mortem report of 525 San Francisco deaths classified as “out-of-hospital cardiac death” after autopsy.

A team of health professionals (physician, cardiopathologist, neurologist, and two cardiologists/cardioelectrophysiologists) reviewed the reports recorded between 2011 and 2014.

This time, 242 such post-mortem reports from 2014 to 2017 were also reviewed on the same basis.

Based on their analysis, including post-mortem toxicology tests, Tseng and his colleagues say, “15% of the heart “In the cases aggregated from 2011 to 2014, As was the case with about 22% of deaths in the 2014-2017 group.

Of these newly discovered cases of fatal overdose, more than two-thirds of the first cohort was associated with opioid use, and about half of the latter half of the cohort.

The team also emphasized that the results of toxicology tests often contained multiple “addictive substances”: stimulants, marijuana, sedatives, and alcohol.

Is it possible to apply San Francisco survey results across the country? According to the researchers, the overdose mortality rate in San Francisco “is about the same as the median overdose mortality across the state,” but it’s hard to say.

Mr Glatter of New York City said the epidemic of opioid abuse continues to progress.

“While cheap illegal opiate use from the street (eg, a mix of hetain and fentanyl) contributes to an increase in the overall percentage of continued overdose, prescription opiate use has resulted in overdose deaths in the United States. Equivalent to up to one-third of. [U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] 2018 data”.

To help slow down the speed of these tragedies, “We strive to prevent and treat opioid use disorders by working with mental health professionals, counselors and teachers to detect early warning signs of addiction. You have to keep pointing,” said Gratter.

He added that it was very important to provide naloxone to addicts and their neighbors.

“Data show that this is one area where education on the proper use of naloxone can save lives,” Glatter said. “Family members, important other people, and relatives who have access to naloxone can intervene and save lives before they become statistical.”

San Francisco study published on August 10 Internal medicine annual report..

Opioid OD Mortality Decreases Despite Increased Use of Synthetic Drugs: CDC

For more information:
For more information on deaths from drug overdose, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention..

Copyright © 2020 HealthDay.. all rights reserved.

Quote: Many deaths labeled as “cardiac arrest” can be drug OD: Survey (August 11, 2020) starting August 11, 2020 Obtained from 2020-08-deaths-cardiac-drug-ods.html

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