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Teenagers and Protein | National Poll on Children's Health

Teenagers and Protein | National Poll on Children's Health


Protein is part of a healthy diet, but it can be difficult for parents to determine if their child is getting the right amount of protein. The CS Mott Children's Hospital National Poll on Children's Health asked a national sample of parents about protein intake and supplementation in teens ages 13-17.

Two in five parents, and more parents of teenage boys than parents of teenage girls, say their teenage child has taken a protein supplement, including protein bars (31% of boys), in the past year (46% of boys vs. 36% of girls, 41% overall). shakes (28% boys vs. 19% girls, 23% overall), powders (20% boys vs. 10% girls, 15% overall), or high-protein meals (7% boys vs. 10% girls, 15% overall); (2% girls, 4% overall). Among those who reported that their teens took supplements, more parents of boys than girls reported that their teens took protein supplements every day or almost every day. (31% boys vs. 15% girls, 23% overall).

Parents of boys are more likely to take protein supplements to build muscle (56% boys vs. 18% girls, 38% overall) and improve sports training and performance (54% boys vs. 36% girls, 46% overall) However, more parents of boys said they were consuming. Girls believe that supplements are used to replace meals when they are too busy to eat (18% of boys, 34% of girls, 26% overall) and that they eat a balanced diet (14% of boys, (26% for women, 20% overall), they help with the following: Weight loss (6% boys vs. 11% girls, 9% overall).

44% of parents whose teens took protein supplements, along with coaches and trainers (26%), other students (21%), social media (10%), and healthcare professionals (9%) reported that they or someone in their family encouraged protein supplements. ). Parents are more likely to say their teen uses protein supplements if they perceive any of the following: very important Tell your teens to be healthy, lose weight, look attractive, improve sports performance, and generally be healthy.

Two-thirds of parents think their teens are getting about the right amount of protein (67%). Others, however, think the amount is too little (18%), too much (1%), or unsure (14%). More than half of parents (59%) believe that high-protein diets are healthy for their teens. A third (33%) of parents use protein supplements themselves. These parents are more likely to report that their teens also take protein supplements (54% vs. 18%).

Parent-reported reasons why teens use protein supplements. To build muscle: 56% of parents of teenage boys and 18% of parents of teenage girls. To improve sports performance: 54% for parents of teenage boys and 64% for parents of teenage girls. As a meal replacement: 18% for parents of teenage boys and 34% for parents of teenage girls.


  • Nearly one in five parents believe their teens aren't getting enough protein.
  • Two in five parents say their child has taken a protein supplement in the past year. This is higher for teenage boys than for girls.
  • One in three parents use protein supplements themselves and are more likely to report that their teens also take protein supplements.

what it means

Protein is essential for building and strengthening muscles, growing healthy skin and organs, producing hormones, and improving immunity. Generally, the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for protein is 46 grams per day for teenage girls and 52 grams per day for teenage boys, but the optimal amount of protein for each person depends on age, gender, , weight, and level of physical activity. .

In this Mott poll, two-thirds of parents feel their teens are getting the right amount of protein. Too much or too little protein can cause problems. Too little protein for too long can cause muscle loss, fatigue, or worsening mood swings. Consuming too much protein over a long period of time can cause nausea, dehydration, stomach pain, and kidney problems.

In general, most teens can get enough protein through a balanced diet. But for parents, it can be difficult to ensure their teens are getting the right amount of protein. To do this, parents should look out for protein-containing foods such as eggs, nuts, fish, red meat, lentils, and dairy products and offer them regularly as part of a balanced diet.

This Mott poll shows that many teens are consuming protein bars and shakes instead of meals. For example, when a teenager is sleepy and not interested in eating breakfast, well-meaning parents might send them to school with what they believe is a healthy alternative. However, more protein doesn't necessarily mean healthier. Many high-protein products contain excessive amounts of sugar and caffeine, which are unhealthy for teens. Parents can read product labels to find options that contain protein, along with fiber and other nutrients, and have little or no added sugar.

This Mott poll also highlights that many teens use protein supplements, especially protein powders, to improve athletic performance and build muscle. When teenagers exercise strenuously, some muscle cells are destroyed. Protein helps repair this damage (often referred to as “recovery”) and rebuild muscle. For this reason, teens who participate in strenuous physical activity require more protein than their RDA. The best way to get additional protein is through a balanced diet. In certain situations, protein powder may be used as a supplement, but that does not negate the need for teens to get protein through a balanced diet. Additionally, it is important for parents and adolescents to remember that consuming more protein than the body requires will not result in greater or faster muscle gains.

When teens and parents consider protein supplements, they can be overwhelmed by the number of choices available, including many different types of protein supplements that offer different benefits, such as whey and casein, as necessary intakes cannot be achieved through diet. may be done. Parents and teens are encouraged to consult their teen's doctor or nutritionist to determine which products are best suited to their teen's goals, as well as the appropriate amount and schedule to take the supplement. Masu.

In this Mott poll, about 1 in 10 parents said their teen uses protein supplements to help them lose weight. High-protein/low-carbohydrate diets are popular with many adults, and more than half of parents think high-protein diets are healthy for their teens. Therefore, it is no wonder that teenagers try this kind of diet. However, high-protein diets are generally not recommended for teenagers due to the risk of not getting all the essential nutrients such as carbohydrates needed for a balanced diet.

Only certain plant foods (such as soy and quinoa) are good sources of complete protein, so teens on a vegetarian or vegan diet should ensure they get enough protein from their regular diet. It may be difficult to do so. However, this problem can be easily solved by eating a variety of plant foods throughout the day that provide your body with the building blocks it needs to meet your protein needs. Additionally, low-fat dairy products such as Greek yogurt are good sources of protein that can be incorporated into a vegetarian diet.




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